Thursday, October 26, 2006

Post-Hols Blues..

This morning it was hard waking up…mostly, it was cos I didn’t sleep well yesterday night due to my flu, which was getting worse and the fact that my brain was actively thinking of new ideas to blog. Right now, I’m actually contemplating seeing the doc since my flu, which I caught 2 weeks ago in Lumut showed no signs of recovering. It’s really troublesome especially when I’m gym-ing halfway and I get a runny nose, which I then had a choice of letting other people witness it flowing down and my desperate attempts at vacuuming it back to my nose or make a beeline to the locker room which hopefully the instructor didn’t notice, ‘pau my wantans’ ie blow my nose and run back in…hmmm, anyways, between a cough and a cold, I would definitely choose to have the cold…it takes me ages to cure my cough! Well, if the doc asks, I shall blame it on the haze, since the weather has not cleared over the long hols and not due to me not abstaining from cold stuff and heavy gym-ing instead of resting at home….*evil laugh*…

After the long break, the brain is really slow (like the car engine, the brain needs some vroom, vroom time before it slowly picks-up and run smoothly, of course in my case, regardless of whether it’s a 1 day hol or a 1 week hols, I’m still brain dead!!!) and so, I’m sticking to more mundane tasks like checking and casting rather than going into those things which need brainworks at the moment. Gees, am so looking forward to lunchtime now….yeah! been nibbling on my cereals since 10 min ago…which is how I reckon my sore throat never got well, which directly affects my flu of not getting any better…right, who says we need the doc? Bah, I can very well do my own diagnosis…*blowing nose happily*

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