I started the 1st day of my New Year with a flu instead of with a Bang! By the time i reached home, it was around 2.30am. As i had promised, i went to the gym for SGP BC. Back to the same place after leaving it for less than 12 hours! The class was not too packed but i was too strained to do it properly. Went home after shower but forgot to bring my house keys so had to loiter at the cyber cafe for awhile to wait for my family to get back. By the time i left, the pasar malam had already started so i went jalan-jalan at the pasar malam before going back. Used to go when it's almost closing so it was good to go at an earlier time. However, the famous 'tong sui' as usual have already finished so i just browsed the cds and dvds.
Got "Confessions of Pain" and "Happy Feet". Confessions of Pain is really good. I

had no idea it was about a murder and even though we were shown the murderer early on the show, it was absorbing as the story unfolds to tell us why the murderer did it and how the investigator finally managed to solve who killed the victim. Tony Leung, being the consummate actor was in his element as a very cool police cop who commited a murder. Takeshi Kaneshiro as usual, is rather wooden in his acting but i still liked to watch him as he's good-looking. Yeah, i know so shallow of me...hehehehe
I drifted off to sleep by the time i watched my 2nd dvd of "Happy Feet". Not really a fantastic start to the New Year eh....
I woke up the next day having a sore throat and a running nose despite taking a flu med before i went to bed. After moping about for half a day and busy updating my blog, i finally dragged myself to the doc and get some proper medication as i had ran out of supplies. Took the med and slept really early as i had to go to work the following day.
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