Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Swim, Swam, Swum

On Fri morning I had intended to go for Pilates but was so tired that I decided to continue sleeping instead. Out of guilt, went swimming after that. Also, was trying to shock my body system into losing some excess weight gained over my ‘stressful’ period recently. See, some people actually lose weight when they are under stress. Me, i gained weight instead, can't figure out why....plus i get a lot of acne spouting out. So, stress is really, really bad for me. Anyways, I missed a turning and went a merry-go-round before I reached the pool. Ahhhh, it’s great to swim in the morning!! The water is clean (think they just cleaned it) cos I can taste the chlorine. I have misplaced my goggles and I couldn’t find my spare ones that I had lent my brother so I just went without it. Bad mistake!! I nearly drowned! Cos I was happily swimming without opening my eyes in the water and I felt really tired so I decided to stop midway. Arrggghh, suddenly I couldn’t touch the floor and it made me panicked!!

See, I hadn’t realized that I had swum to the middle of the pool where it was deeper. I fumbled in the water for awhile, gasping for air and trying to think. Somewhere out there I could hear someone shouting, “Are you ok?” Immediately, on a brainwave, I struck out my arms and backstroke to the side of the pool!!! I took a breather and calmed myself down and shouted back to the swimming coach that I was ok. Phew!! This brings back memories of another almost drowning incident few years back in Redang.

See, me and some friends went holidaying in Redang. The package included snorkeling trips to the open sea. One of the days, the sea was very choppy due to the strong current. We were too engrossed looking at the beautiful coral reefs that we didn’t realize that we had drifted far away from the boat. At one point when we looked up, most of the people around us had gone aboard the boat already! So, we quickly swam towards the boat. Unfortunately, we were swimming against the current which was really tough unless one is a really strong swimmer.

Among the 4 of us, only 2 of us knew how to swim. I was one of them but then, I was just a casual swimmer and not really a strong one. We had on the life jackets which made it harder to swim actually. So the 2 non-swimmers hitched onto the 2 swimmers and tried swimming back. It was so tiring and self-defeating that thoughts of drowning in the sea actually entered my mind! Finally, as a last attempt, we shouted for help and luckily the guides heard us. They threw the float to us and hauled us in. It was such a relief when we got aboard the boat! I think we were green from fright and didn’t utter a word thereafter due to the shock!

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