The thing about hanging out with ur mum’s frens is like they are always filled with lots of Q & A and they still treat u like a small kid. Well, of cos I don’t look like a small kid already but u get the drift. They catch up with each other on the gossips and then proceeded to show off their jewelries, clothings or dunno what else lar. I nearly drifted off to sleep in boredom and looked forward to eating. Alas, there’s not much food choices (again I must reiterate it’s a charity thingy so expectation has to be somewhat lower than usual) and I hardly felt satiated. As soon as the lucky draw, gifts exchange and makan session was over, everyone scuttled off quickly. My mum decided to hit Mid Valley (again?) since it was the nearest mall even though I tried discouraging her with feeble attempts.
Oh well, I had intended to do some Xmas shopping anyway. I went straight to the toy store to get some stuff for a fren’s kids. Gosh, it made me feel like a kid all over again. I was enthralled by a Pooh bear which can walk and run like a toddler once u pressed a button and it speaks a
geertsonck a few phrases too. I absolutely adore Pooh bear and once owned a huge bear which was about half my height. I bought it on a whim when I was in Singapore and had to lug it all the way back to KL!!! When McD’s had the Pooh and frens promo, I religiously ate McD’s for donkey weeks just to buy the whole collection!!! Between dolls and soft toys, I have more of a soft spot for soft toys like bears compared to dolls. I don’t remember owning many dolls but I do have countless bears!!! Hahahahaa…..
Urm, what was I talking bout already? Oh yeah, the toy store. I am not really sure on what gifts to buy for the kids as my niece and nephew are overseas so I hardly shop for any kiddy stuff, discounting the mandatory baby stuff which I share with frens when a frens’ newborn arrives. Anyway, I spent the afternoon browsing through the toys and observing what the kids in the store like to pick up to get a feel. I was tempted to buy the walking Pooh but the salesgirl told me it was meant for toddlers so I decided to get a doll instead for the little girl.
I reckon the parents would have bought tons of Barney stuff for their
morrisonmcdf little girl as she’s a hardcore fan of the purple dinosaur. I had no idea who or what Barney was till I played with my fren’s daughter, who made me sang Barney’s songs as well with her!!! Which I didn’t know of cos but some songs seemed suspiciously similar to some of the nursery rhymes and sing-alongs which I used to sing when I was younger. Anyway, I just played along to keep her happy. Boy, it’s tiring looking after a kid!
In the first half of the day, I chose to baby-sit her little brother who was a toddler at that time since he looked like a really easy baby to take care. Yeah, well, I was half right. Turned out carrying him everywhere on my arms is like carrying a 5kg of rice on your shoulders the whole day! My arms went numb! That’s when I switched to looking after the girl who would at least walked by herself cos I told her I can only carry her for like 5 min the most!!! She was also easier to please cos I just give her some sweets or chocs then she’ll stick to me! Hahahaha….tho’ I have to answer thousands and one questions and sing songs and play and watched TV with her before she lets me go to bed!!! Ahhhh, sooooo very very very tiring! I got her younger brother a remote control car, which I knew even adults guys like to play (for e.g. my brother). Actually I was hesitating between the car and a train set cos I knew my nephew loves cars and trains especially Thomas the Engine and Bob the Builder. (Had no idea what they were till my sis showed me) but I reckon carrying a train set up and down a bus is urm, too much of a hassle!
After buying the toys, I was dead tired and headed back home!
hi ... pertaining to ur question in fitness fever forum .. the track is called ..Something Goin On (BP-50-8)... cheerss... :)
Ohhh, errr, thx Anon. Somebody replied me on the post oredi i think...
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