The next day I was on leave. Just feels heavenly not having to wake up early in the morning to get ready to work. I pried myself from the bed and went for MW pilates class. As there were just a handful of us, we use the ball instead of the usual mat. Fortunately, my limbs were not as suong compared to going to G’s class but they were not exactly supple either. Price one has to pay for being lazy I guess. Afterwards, I went to do my annual medical check-up as I was getting paranoid that I may be hosting some deadly disease inside my body systems since I usually do my check-ups either early of the year or towards mid year.
I had a horrible experience the last time I did my check-up. The DOCTOR, I repeat the DOCTOR took my blood samples and poked both of my arms till it became blue black!!! Gees, I mean, it would have been forgivable if it had been the nurse, but it was the doctor for heavens sake who performed the task!!! She blamed it on my running veins and I had to stick big patches of bandages to cover the blue black for a week before it looked normal again! Oh, not to mention wear long-sleeves too! Of cos, I get weird looks from my gym buddies who thought I was abused! I tried wearing long-sleeves but it was just too unbearably hot plus the idiot SGP informed the entire class that I was wearing long sleeves! Duhhh….funny not.
This time, the person who poked me was very professional. There were no blue blacks and she didn’t poke to the left or to the right to search for my vein. One poke and the blood gushed out to fill the tube. Simple, really. For this alone, the place has earned some brownie points and I decided to go back to them for my next check-up in the following year.
After everything is done, I went swimming. I just love to swim. It’s just so unfortunate that FF doesn’t have a pool. That’s why I’m considering switching my membership to the new True Fitness outlet which apparently comes equipped with an Olympic size pool. I’m in two minds really as somehow I don’t like the discoey concept in True Fitness. And the amount of pillars in their studios is just horrendous. Well, I’ll see the place once it is ready. For me, swimming is still the best exercise. All you need is a swimsuit, a pair of goggles, swimming cap and sunscreen. No need to bother with buying different pairs of trainers for different exercises or gym apparels etc etc etc. Moreover, a good swimsuit lasts for many years so that’s definitely cost-saving. And I sustained fewer injuries too. When I started gym-ing, I was alternating between the tit tah lou and the gym week after week. That is why I reckon it’s so important to do everything correctly to minimize unnecessary injuries.
At night I was debating whether to go for SGP BC or cikgu’s BP. I told cikgu that I may possibly end up going to the pasar malam instead too….hahahaha. But in the end, I went for cikgu’s BP lor since usually it’s such a rush for me. I was amazed that the traffic was so smooth! So, I had made the right choice. I just love the shoulder track Something Going On (Crack It), which I just did on the sat. We did Phantom (again!) which is really ‘loh maeng’ and definitely not one of my faves. I much prefer Summer Rain. At least, the song is more catchy!!!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Toys, Toys, Toys
After gym, I went home to take a rest before accompanying my mum and some aunts to a Xmas gathering. I agreed to go partly cos I had nothing else better to do and reckon I should stopped being a mall rat after hitting the malls for 2 consecutive days liao. It was more of a charity Xmas thingy with some Xmas sing-alongs and poem reading. My table, filled with all the aunties was a boisterous lot and was hushed by the organizer a couple of times! I kinda felt bored as I hardly knew some of the aunties (who were frens of my mum’s frens) so I kept myself busy texting to whoever who was in my phone book.
The thing about hanging out with ur mum’s frens is like they are always filled with lots of Q & A and they still treat u like a small kid. Well, of cos I don’t look like a small kid already but u get the drift. They catch up with each other on the gossips and then proceeded to show off their jewelries, clothings or dunno what else lar. I nearly drifted off to sleep in boredom and looked forward to eating. Alas, there’s not much food choices (again I must reiterate it’s a charity thingy so expectation has to be somewhat lower than usual) and I hardly felt satiated. As soon as the lucky draw, gifts exchange and makan session was over, everyone scuttled off quickly. My mum decided to hit Mid Valley (again?) since it was the nearest mall even though I tried discouraging her with feeble attempts.
Oh well, I had intended to do some Xmas shopping anyway. I went straight to the toy store to get some stuff for a fren’s kids. Gosh, it made me feel like a kid all over again. I was enthralled by a Pooh bear which can walk and run like a toddler once u pressed a button and it speaks a
geertsonck a few phrases too. I absolutely adore Pooh bear and once owned a huge bear which was about half my height. I bought it on a whim when I was in Singapore and had to lug it all the way back to KL!!! When McD’s had the Pooh and frens promo, I religiously ate McD’s for donkey weeks just to buy the whole collection!!! Between dolls and soft toys, I have more of a soft spot for soft toys like bears compared to dolls. I don’t remember owning many dolls but I do have countless bears!!! Hahahahaa…..
Urm, what was I talking bout already? Oh yeah, the toy store. I am not really sure on what gifts to buy for the kids as my niece and nephew are overseas so I hardly shop for any kiddy stuff, discounting the mandatory baby stuff which I share with frens when a frens’ newborn arrives. Anyway, I spent the afternoon browsing through the toys and observing what the kids in the store like to pick up to get a feel. I was tempted to buy the walking Pooh but the salesgirl told me it was meant for toddlers so I decided to get a doll instead for the little girl.
I reckon the parents would have bought tons of Barney stuff for their
morrisonmcdf little girl as she’s a hardcore fan of the purple dinosaur. I had no idea who or what Barney was till I played with my fren’s daughter, who made me sang Barney’s songs as well with her!!! Which I didn’t know of cos but some songs seemed suspiciously similar to some of the nursery rhymes and sing-alongs which I used to sing when I was younger. Anyway, I just played along to keep her happy. Boy, it’s tiring looking after a kid!
In the first half of the day, I chose to baby-sit her little brother who was a toddler at that time since he looked like a really easy baby to take care. Yeah, well, I was half right. Turned out carrying him everywhere on my arms is like carrying a 5kg of rice on your shoulders the whole day! My arms went numb! That’s when I switched to looking after the girl who would at least walked by herself cos I told her I can only carry her for like 5 min the most!!! She was also easier to please cos I just give her some sweets or chocs then she’ll stick to me! Hahahaha….tho’ I have to answer thousands and one questions and sing songs and play and watched TV with her before she lets me go to bed!!! Ahhhh, sooooo very very very tiring! I got her younger brother a remote control car, which I knew even adults guys like to play (for e.g. my brother). Actually I was hesitating between the car and a train set cos I knew my nephew loves cars and trains especially Thomas the Engine and Bob the Builder. (Had no idea what they were till my sis showed me) but I reckon carrying a train set up and down a bus is urm, too much of a hassle!

After buying the toys, I was dead tired and headed back home!
The thing about hanging out with ur mum’s frens is like they are always filled with lots of Q & A and they still treat u like a small kid. Well, of cos I don’t look like a small kid already but u get the drift. They catch up with each other on the gossips and then proceeded to show off their jewelries, clothings or dunno what else lar. I nearly drifted off to sleep in boredom and looked forward to eating. Alas, there’s not much food choices (again I must reiterate it’s a charity thingy so expectation has to be somewhat lower than usual) and I hardly felt satiated. As soon as the lucky draw, gifts exchange and makan session was over, everyone scuttled off quickly. My mum decided to hit Mid Valley (again?) since it was the nearest mall even though I tried discouraging her with feeble attempts.
Oh well, I had intended to do some Xmas shopping anyway. I went straight to the toy store to get some stuff for a fren’s kids. Gosh, it made me feel like a kid all over again. I was enthralled by a Pooh bear which can walk and run like a toddler once u pressed a button and it speaks a
geertsonck a few phrases too. I absolutely adore Pooh bear and once owned a huge bear which was about half my height. I bought it on a whim when I was in Singapore and had to lug it all the way back to KL!!! When McD’s had the Pooh and frens promo, I religiously ate McD’s for donkey weeks just to buy the whole collection!!! Between dolls and soft toys, I have more of a soft spot for soft toys like bears compared to dolls. I don’t remember owning many dolls but I do have countless bears!!! Hahahahaa…..
Urm, what was I talking bout already? Oh yeah, the toy store. I am not really sure on what gifts to buy for the kids as my niece and nephew are overseas so I hardly shop for any kiddy stuff, discounting the mandatory baby stuff which I share with frens when a frens’ newborn arrives. Anyway, I spent the afternoon browsing through the toys and observing what the kids in the store like to pick up to get a feel. I was tempted to buy the walking Pooh but the salesgirl told me it was meant for toddlers so I decided to get a doll instead for the little girl.
I reckon the parents would have bought tons of Barney stuff for their
morrisonmcdf little girl as she’s a hardcore fan of the purple dinosaur. I had no idea who or what Barney was till I played with my fren’s daughter, who made me sang Barney’s songs as well with her!!! Which I didn’t know of cos but some songs seemed suspiciously similar to some of the nursery rhymes and sing-alongs which I used to sing when I was younger. Anyway, I just played along to keep her happy. Boy, it’s tiring looking after a kid!
In the first half of the day, I chose to baby-sit her little brother who was a toddler at that time since he looked like a really easy baby to take care. Yeah, well, I was half right. Turned out carrying him everywhere on my arms is like carrying a 5kg of rice on your shoulders the whole day! My arms went numb! That’s when I switched to looking after the girl who would at least walked by herself cos I told her I can only carry her for like 5 min the most!!! She was also easier to please cos I just give her some sweets or chocs then she’ll stick to me! Hahahaha….tho’ I have to answer thousands and one questions and sing songs and play and watched TV with her before she lets me go to bed!!! Ahhhh, sooooo very very very tiring! I got her younger brother a remote control car, which I knew even adults guys like to play (for e.g. my brother). Actually I was hesitating between the car and a train set cos I knew my nephew loves cars and trains especially Thomas the Engine and Bob the Builder. (Had no idea what they were till my sis showed me) but I reckon carrying a train set up and down a bus is urm, too much of a hassle!
After buying the toys, I was dead tired and headed back home!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
BP + InterSteps
On sat morning, I woke up early intending to go for Pilates but my dad wanted me to go check my brakes so by the time I’m done, I was already late! Thus, decided to go for DC’s BP instead since I haven’t gone for quite a long time ever since I had to work on Saturdays! Boo-hoo-hoo….I like DC’s tracks selections as he likes to play older releases and that day, the selections were good! He did Surrender, Voodoo Child, Push It, Gonna Make U Sweat, Lola’s Theme, Something Going On, Don’t Cha, the rest cannot remember liao.
After that, I stayed on for cikgu’s Inter Steps. Aiyoh, that fellow did diamond shape wor. I have only been doing 1 board all this while for Basic Steps suddenly ask me to do 4 boards some more sharing with 3 other people, how lar? I kept grumbling to myself and to LM, who made a surprise appearance!! Within 15 minutes into the class, there were already 3 intricate combos!! Wah sehhh, since everybody was standing so closely, I couldn’t even differentiate which ones are cikgu’s legs so me become so kelam-kabut and not only stepped onto other people’s feet but banged into them also! At one point, felt totally lost and me and LM just looked at each other and shook our heads in confusion!! After that, I gave up liao and went out of the class with LM, who was even more blur than me!! LOL….I think back so hilarious lar
After the class finished, cikgu came out and scolded us for leaving so fast. I retorted that the class has leanings more towards advanced steps than intersteps with the speed that they were going!! All I see were just many pairs of legs twirling and going up and down the step board, which is exactly what I told N when we were outside. And I was just at what, Basic? Duhhh…can’t blame me for going off. I didn’t relish standing in the class looking like a dungu! Anyway, cikgu promised that he’ll let me know in future if the class is gonna be simpler so that I can participate. Hmmphhh, dunno whether to trust him or not.
After that, I stayed on for cikgu’s Inter Steps. Aiyoh, that fellow did diamond shape wor. I have only been doing 1 board all this while for Basic Steps suddenly ask me to do 4 boards some more sharing with 3 other people, how lar? I kept grumbling to myself and to LM, who made a surprise appearance!! Within 15 minutes into the class, there were already 3 intricate combos!! Wah sehhh, since everybody was standing so closely, I couldn’t even differentiate which ones are cikgu’s legs so me become so kelam-kabut and not only stepped onto other people’s feet but banged into them also! At one point, felt totally lost and me and LM just looked at each other and shook our heads in confusion!! After that, I gave up liao and went out of the class with LM, who was even more blur than me!! LOL….I think back so hilarious lar
After the class finished, cikgu came out and scolded us for leaving so fast. I retorted that the class has leanings more towards advanced steps than intersteps with the speed that they were going!! All I see were just many pairs of legs twirling and going up and down the step board, which is exactly what I told N when we were outside. And I was just at what, Basic? Duhhh…can’t blame me for going off. I didn’t relish standing in the class looking like a dungu! Anyway, cikgu promised that he’ll let me know in future if the class is gonna be simpler so that I can participate. Hmmphhh, dunno whether to trust him or not.
Bargain Hunter's Paradise
After my swim, I went down to Queen’s Park, where I heard there were some factory outlets including Espirit and Guess. Initially, I was supposed to meet a friend up for lunch since she was working nearby but it didn’t fell through in the end. I was stuck on the highway for at least half an hour where traffic was at a crawl!! It was rather unnerving and I was heading to the utmost jam area of KL furthermore! Sigh! Bad timing! Anyway, I got lost since I was not familiar with that area. I could see Carrefour from afar but had no idea how to reach it and so I was turning in circles! Finally, I managed to call a friend to give me some directions before I completely lost my mind.
Queen’s Park housed some factory outlets like Espirit, F.J Benjamin (which distributes Guess, Nike Timing etc), Lovely Lace, F.O.S, Club 21 (distributes CK, Armani Exchange etc), Travelers’ something (selling luggages and winter wear) etc etc and is located just opposite Carrefour in Jln Peel. Most of the stuff are out of season and are sold at a fraction of their retail prices. It’s a good bargain-hunters place I reckon if you can find what you want. Ampang Point is another bargain-hunters paradise when it used to house Royel (which sold British India out of season stuff) and Padini group (Seed, PDI, Padini, Vincci). Also, there’s a huge Payless Book store located there which is a bookworm’s dream. After walking around and trying on seemingly endless clothes, I went to Sushi King as I was ravenous! It’s been ages since I had Jap food and as it’s a rather ‘healthy’ option, I decided to indulge myself.
I wanted to go for BS and BP but since Shadow ffk me, I was rather 15 16 of going. Also, my mum text me and told me that they were trying out a new restaurant and whether I would be joining for dinner. Being the glutton, I decided to skip gym for the night and went to makan instead! Luckily, I didn’t promise cikgu that I was going for his class that night otherwise kena scolding nanti. Hehehehe…
Queen’s Park housed some factory outlets like Espirit, F.J Benjamin (which distributes Guess, Nike Timing etc), Lovely Lace, F.O.S, Club 21 (distributes CK, Armani Exchange etc), Travelers’ something (selling luggages and winter wear) etc etc and is located just opposite Carrefour in Jln Peel. Most of the stuff are out of season and are sold at a fraction of their retail prices. It’s a good bargain-hunters place I reckon if you can find what you want. Ampang Point is another bargain-hunters paradise when it used to house Royel (which sold British India out of season stuff) and Padini group (Seed, PDI, Padini, Vincci). Also, there’s a huge Payless Book store located there which is a bookworm’s dream. After walking around and trying on seemingly endless clothes, I went to Sushi King as I was ravenous! It’s been ages since I had Jap food and as it’s a rather ‘healthy’ option, I decided to indulge myself.
I wanted to go for BS and BP but since Shadow ffk me, I was rather 15 16 of going. Also, my mum text me and told me that they were trying out a new restaurant and whether I would be joining for dinner. Being the glutton, I decided to skip gym for the night and went to makan instead! Luckily, I didn’t promise cikgu that I was going for his class that night otherwise kena scolding nanti. Hehehehe…
Swim, Swam, Swum
On Fri morning I had intended to go for Pilates but was so tired that I decided to continue sleeping instead. Out of guilt, went swimming after that. Also, was trying to shock my body system into losing some excess weight gained over my ‘stressful’ period recently. See, some people actually lose weight when they are under stress. Me, i gained weight instead, can't figure out i get a lot of acne spouting out. So, stress is really, really bad for me. Anyways, I missed a turning and went a merry-go-round before I reached the pool. Ahhhh, it’s great to swim in the morning!! The water is clean (think they just cleaned it) cos I can taste the chlorine. I have misplaced my goggles and I couldn’t find my spare ones that I had lent my brother so I just went without it. Bad mistake!! I nearly drowned! Cos I was happily swimming without opening my eyes in the water and I felt really tired so I decided to stop midway. Arrggghh, suddenly I couldn’t touch the floor and it made me panicked!!
See, I hadn’t realized that I had swum to the middle of the pool where it was deeper. I fumbled in the water for awhile, gasping for air and trying to think. Somewhere out there I could hear someone shouting, “Are you ok?” Immediately, on a brainwave, I struck out my arms and backstroke to the side of the pool!!! I took a breather and calmed myself down and shouted back to the swimming coach that I was ok. Phew!! This brings back memories of another almost drowning incident few years back in Redang.
See, me and some friends went holidaying in Redang. The package included snorkeling trips to the open sea. One of the days, the sea was very choppy due to the strong current. We were too engrossed looking at the beautiful coral reefs that we didn’t realize that we had drifted far away from the boat. At one point when we looked up, most of the people around us had gone aboard the boat already! So, we quickly swam towards the boat. Unfortunately, we were swimming against the current which was really tough unless one is a really strong swimmer.
Among the 4 of us, only 2 of us knew how to swim. I was one
of them but then, I was just a casual swimmer and not really a strong one. We had on the life jackets which made it harder to swim actually. So the 2 non-swimmers hitched onto the 2 swimmers and tried swimming back. It was so tiring and self-defeating that thoughts of drowning in the sea actually entered my mind! Finally, as a last attempt, we shouted for help and luckily the guides heard us. They threw the float to us and hauled us in. It was such a relief when we got aboard the boat! I think we were green from fright and didn’t utter a word thereafter due to the shock!
See, I hadn’t realized that I had swum to the middle of the pool where it was deeper. I fumbled in the water for awhile, gasping for air and trying to think. Somewhere out there I could hear someone shouting, “Are you ok?” Immediately, on a brainwave, I struck out my arms and backstroke to the side of the pool!!! I took a breather and calmed myself down and shouted back to the swimming coach that I was ok. Phew!! This brings back memories of another almost drowning incident few years back in Redang.
See, me and some friends went holidaying in Redang. The package included snorkeling trips to the open sea. One of the days, the sea was very choppy due to the strong current. We were too engrossed looking at the beautiful coral reefs that we didn’t realize that we had drifted far away from the boat. At one point when we looked up, most of the people around us had gone aboard the boat already! So, we quickly swam towards the boat. Unfortunately, we were swimming against the current which was really tough unless one is a really strong swimmer.
Among the 4 of us, only 2 of us knew how to swim. I was one
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Feeble attempt at Intersteps
Hooray, I’m finally on leave!!! I went for KWS (Karaoke Wannabe Singer) intersteps class in the early morning. There were just a handful of members and most of them looked like the tai-tais who don’t need to work but just go out and socialize and fetch their kids to tuition and curricular activities whatnots . KWS creates her chory there and then and it makes me so confused. Cos I’ll memorize the ‘combo’ which I thought was the one and she’ll keep on fine-tuning it till she’s satisfied before settling on another combo. This is somewhat different from cikgu’s style which he had pre-chory earlier in his head! Same goes for BCow. Hmmm, I shall boy-cott her freestyle steps classes in future! I stuck to it for as long as I could before scuttling out as the other members were going way too fast for me to follow through. I smiled feebly at KWS who gave me a questioning look when I left.
I went on the stepper to do a proper workout since I was mostly standing and watching the others do. I didn’t stop till I was pouring sweat. Since I had time to kill before my lunch appointment, I went and do some machines exercises. I chose the leg press and a PT approached me to teach me the correct way of doing the exercise, while trying to sell me the idea of getting a PT. I pretended to not know what he was getting at and just nodded at the necessary juncture. Thereafter he left me alone and I quickly went to bathe.
I arrived in Mid Valley (again) during lunch hour and spent more than 20 min trying to get a parking space. In the end, I resorted to stalking shoppers when they stepped into the car park.
I went on the stepper to do a proper workout since I was mostly standing and watching the others do. I didn’t stop till I was pouring sweat. Since I had time to kill before my lunch appointment, I went and do some machines exercises. I chose the leg press and a PT approached me to teach me the correct way of doing the exercise, while trying to sell me the idea of getting a PT. I pretended to not know what he was getting at and just nodded at the necessary juncture. Thereafter he left me alone and I quickly went to bathe.
I arrived in Mid Valley (again) during lunch hour and spent more than 20 min trying to get a parking space. In the end, I resorted to stalking shoppers when they stepped into the car park.
Bumpity bump
I had to attend an early meeting on Wednesday morning and was supposed to meet my boss in the office before going there together. Imagine my surprise when she suddenly announced that I was designated as the driver! Cos all al
ong, she had been the driver and I’ll was the navigator. Anyway, I drove as safely as possible and avoided the temptation to speed though it was marred by the pot-holed road that we took so there were some bumpy rides along the way!! Of which I had ceremoniously warned her at the beginning of the trip. Well, she told me that it was for the best since she was afraid that her 'monstrous' car was unable to park that easily in the limited carpark. Most of the people who knows me seemed to prefer me to drive as i know the roads quite well, including the small road diversions so they can just lean back and snooze or just do nothing in particular. I guess it's good for me too since i don't need to navigate and have pointless arguments on where to turn or which way is the shortest route to take.
The meeting room was tremendously warm and there we were, all decked up in our coats and jackets and drips of sweat were rolling down our foreheads!! Duhhh…it wasn’t a pretty sight! Anyway, it was a relief that the meeting was a relatively short one and I was glad to get back to the office where the temperature is definitely more appealing, though sometimes it can be freezing cold when it rains and i had to bundle myself like an Eskimo! My boss had some on-going training and I was pretty much left to my devices thereafter. I started calling the hotels down south where I had planned to spend my Christmas this year since I took the whole week off. I didn’t relish the thought of having to spend my hols sitting at home and rot.
Initially, I had planned on going to HK but since LM had the pox, the trip was postponed till next year. Unfortunately, since it was so last minute, most of the hotels were fully booked and bus tickets were minimal too. As a last resort, I text my friend and asked whether it was ok for me to crash into her place for a couple of days! I desperately needed a break and if she had said no, I would have looked for an alternative elsewhere! Fortunately, she said yes and immediately I went down the bus station to grab my bus tix that night itself right after my yoga class.
It’s been ages since I last did yoga so I felt my body wasn’t as flexible as previously. I had problems twisting and doing some of the poses. Gees, this is bad! Does this mean that I have to stick to being a gym member for life, huh? My friend, CL, who is the yoga instructor replied me yes in jest. Duhhhh….I didn't sweat much in the class so i reckon the class wasn't that difficult compared to when i go for V's classes where I practically sweat buckets. CL commented that he was being lenient to us and mainly stuck to poses that we had done previously. Of cos me having stood right in front of him couldn't slack off and like an obedient child, tried to follow his every movement. Talking about V, hmmm, i wonder whether he's back from his sabbatical? When he's off, i also take off...hehehehe
The meeting room was tremendously warm and there we were, all decked up in our coats and jackets and drips of sweat were rolling down our foreheads!! Duhhh…it wasn’t a pretty sight! Anyway, it was a relief that the meeting was a relatively short one and I was glad to get back to the office where the temperature is definitely more appealing, though sometimes it can be freezing cold when it rains and i had to bundle myself like an Eskimo! My boss had some on-going training and I was pretty much left to my devices thereafter. I started calling the hotels down south where I had planned to spend my Christmas this year since I took the whole week off. I didn’t relish the thought of having to spend my hols sitting at home and rot.
Initially, I had planned on going to HK but since LM had the pox, the trip was postponed till next year. Unfortunately, since it was so last minute, most of the hotels were fully booked and bus tickets were minimal too. As a last resort, I text my friend and asked whether it was ok for me to crash into her place for a couple of days! I desperately needed a break and if she had said no, I would have looked for an alternative elsewhere! Fortunately, she said yes and immediately I went down the bus station to grab my bus tix that night itself right after my yoga class.
It’s been ages since I last did yoga so I felt my body wasn’t as flexible as previously. I had problems twisting and doing some of the poses. Gees, this is bad! Does this mean that I have to stick to being a gym member for life, huh? My friend, CL, who is the yoga instructor replied me yes in jest. Duhhhh….I didn't sweat much in the class so i reckon the class wasn't that difficult compared to when i go for V's classes where I practically sweat buckets. CL commented that he was being lenient to us and mainly stuck to poses that we had done previously. Of cos me having stood right in front of him couldn't slack off and like an obedient child, tried to follow his every movement. Talking about V, hmmm, i wonder whether he's back from his sabbatical? When he's off, i also take off...hehehehe
Going Bananas!
It was back to work on Tuesday and Wednesday again before I went on leave on Thursday.
I consoled myself that I just needed to bear with it for 2 more days before I will be free as a bird! I had Monday blues on Tuesday and I was kinda brain dead too so i was probably not really that productive. In between I was chatting with cikgu so that could be another reason too I guess. Hehehehe…I quickly finished some stuff for the meeting in the following day and left early to go for cikgu’s class. I managed to string along Shadow to the class but she left midway due to stomach cramps.
Cikgu made a bundle of errors during class and punished himself with some push-ups….muahahahaha. His entourage stood at the back of the class including BG (surprise, surprise?) and all of them wore yellow!!! Yeah, including him too! Hmmm, I asked him whether it was cos he suddenly went ‘bananas’ or the bunch of bananas at the back of the class distracted him, leading to the errors the following day, which he readily admits…wakakaka. Surprisingly, BM didn’t wear a yellow top that night or ever since I pointed it out to cikgu. I felt terrible! Well, maybe just a little…:P Oh yeah and he said the yellow thingy was some colour coding wat-nots! thrill! LOL....
Cikgu made a bundle of errors during class and punished himself with some push-ups….muahahahaha. His entourage stood at the back of the class including BG (surprise, surprise?) and all of them wore yellow!!! Yeah, including him too! Hmmm, I asked him whether it was cos he suddenly went ‘bananas’ or the bunch of bananas at the back of the class distracted him, leading to the errors the following day, which he readily admits…wakakaka. Surprisingly, BM didn’t wear a yellow top that night or ever since I pointed it out to cikgu. I felt terrible! Well, maybe just a little…:P Oh yeah and he said the yellow thingy was some colour coding wat-nots! thrill! LOL....
Tracks played sounded suspiciously similar to the ones played 2 weeks ago though some are my all-time faves like One Nite in Bangkok, I’ll Find A Way, Heatwave, Faster, Harder, Scooter etc so he's forgiven. Oh well, better not complain too much otherwise he’ll stop taking my requests in future. It felt great having sweat buckets after such a long time of not exercising. I guess it's the endorphins that made me delirious! Hehehe...
Hooray! It's a Holiday
Monday was a public hol and I was feeling on top of the world not having to goto work. I had promised CC to go shopping with her and both of us arrived in Mid Valley at the dot of 10am. Imagine our surprise when the parking seemed to be rather full already and there were throngs of people who had gathered in the Centre Court taking pix!!! Hmmm, everyone is so kiasu nowadays but I guess can’t really blame them as the place tend to get really packed later in the day!
We walked almost the entire day, shopping for new year clothes and my legs felt so sore at the end of the day, I nearly had no strength to drive back home! Not to mention the heavy traffic that I had to trudge through while getting out of the mall. Uggghhhh! Fortunately, we managed to get some stuff that we wanted and it’s not a ‘wasted’ trip. It’s been ages since I stepped into the mall ever since I left my ex-firm, which was located there. How I missed the mall! Hehehehe…So many of the shops have been renovated and some have even moved to another location so I suddenly felt that I had lost my bearings when in previous times, I knew the mall’s layout plan at the back of my hand!
When I reached home, I slumped on the couch all worn out and dozed off. When I woke up, I had my dinner and proceeded to glue my eyes to my ‘marathon’ HK serials.
When I reached home, I slumped on the couch all worn out and dozed off. When I woke up, I had my dinner and proceeded to glue my eyes to my ‘marathon’ HK serials.
Diamonds are Forever
Gees, I must make it a point to update my blog more frequently in future. Now, I have to rack my brains on what I did in the past 2 weeks. This back-tracking thingy is a no brainer. Ok, let me refer to the calendar first. I went for the PD hunt on the 2nd Dec, had food poisoning on the 3rd, and took an MC on the 4th. Right, then I worked late on Tues and Wed, which meant no gym-ing as I had to rush some stuff for a meeting on the Thursday. Since I didn’t manage to take my leave on the previous Friday, I intended to postpone it to the coming Friday and Saturday to prep for the Mensa hunt on Sunday, 10th Dec. However, again I had to cancel my leave as work was not finished and I was left feeling ‘burnt-out’ and brain dead for the hunt.
On the sat after work, I went to Atria to look for my dictionary cum thesaurus as advised by a pro-hunter. However, after trundling through all the floors, I still couldn’t locate Payless Books but instead chanced upon Big Bookshop clearance sale. They didn’t have the dictionary that I had ear-marked so I didn’t get to buy it but another book titled “The Lazy Girls’ Guide to Losing Weight and Getting Fit” caught my eye instead. Since it was a steal at RM10, I got it as my bedtime reading material. Ahwell, in moments of desperation, any glimmer of hope is pounced upon. Hehehehe…One of my ex-uni mate buzzed me and wanted to pass me a wedding invite so I loitered around for a little longer than necessary while waiting for him to come.
The next day I got up earlier than my norm working days and proceeded to head towards the Mensa hunt flag-off point, which was in Sri-KDU smart school, a private school for the filthy rich or the ‘ambitious parents’. CC replaced LM who was down with chicken pox and not food poisoning as initially diagnosed. I and CC reached early and sat waiting for Workaholic and hubby to arrive to round off our team. As expected, the questions, which were set by the Mensa past chairman were mentally challenging and we cracked our brains trying to solve the questions. I supposed he had to make the questions tougher as the best of the hunting fraternity all joined in the fun, including some CoCs (Clerk of Course, who sets the questions for the hunts)
The theme this year was “Diamonds Diversion” and most of the questions revolved around this theme one way or another. I never knew the word diamonds can bring about so many meanings until I googled it through Wikipedia. Luckily, my colleague had hinted to me of the central theme otherwise I wouldn’t have done so much preparation work. Oh boy, this felt like sitting for my year-end exams during my school days with me doing a last-minute ‘mugging’.
The questions were ‘intelligently-set’ and I marveled at his expertise and learned ways of constructing the questions with seemingly innocuous signboards, with some of the questions testing on current affairs. On top of that, he managed to throw in some red herrings along the way and we, being inexperienced newbies fell hook, line and sinker to most of them. The highlight of the hunt was the laundry ball which was given as a treasure to us this time as opposed to the usual way of breaking a puzzle and figuring out what the treasure is. When we looked at the treasure, we were totally stumped and fortunately, CC managed to ask the right person in a shop selling household wares who knew of its usage. I reckon we didn’t do too badly as we were just a few points shy of the team in the 20th slot, which happened to be my colleague’s team.
This is as my colleague puts it, our 'baptism of fire' in the hunting game as it represents one of the tougher hunts around....and like its namesake in the song, Diamonds are Forever, this hunt is very memorable and proved to be an invaluable experience.
On the sat after work, I went to Atria to look for my dictionary cum thesaurus as advised by a pro-hunter. However, after trundling through all the floors, I still couldn’t locate Payless Books but instead chanced upon Big Bookshop clearance sale. They didn’t have the dictionary that I had ear-marked so I didn’t get to buy it but another book titled “The Lazy Girls’ Guide to Losing Weight and Getting Fit” caught my eye instead. Since it was a steal at RM10, I got it as my bedtime reading material. Ahwell, in moments of desperation, any glimmer of hope is pounced upon. Hehehehe…One of my ex-uni mate buzzed me and wanted to pass me a wedding invite so I loitered around for a little longer than necessary while waiting for him to come.
The next day I got up earlier than my norm working days and proceeded to head towards the Mensa hunt flag-off point, which was in Sri-KDU smart school, a private school for the filthy rich or the ‘ambitious parents’. CC replaced LM who was down with chicken pox and not food poisoning as initially diagnosed. I and CC reached early and sat waiting for Workaholic and hubby to arrive to round off our team. As expected, the questions, which were set by the Mensa past chairman were mentally challenging and we cracked our brains trying to solve the questions. I supposed he had to make the questions tougher as the best of the hunting fraternity all joined in the fun, including some CoCs (Clerk of Course, who sets the questions for the hunts)
The questions were ‘intelligently-set’ and I marveled at his expertise and learned ways of constructing the questions with seemingly innocuous signboards, with some of the questions testing on current affairs. On top of that, he managed to throw in some red herrings along the way and we, being inexperienced newbies fell hook, line and sinker to most of them. The highlight of the hunt was the laundry ball which was given as a treasure to us this time as opposed to the usual way of breaking a puzzle and figuring out what the treasure is. When we looked at the treasure, we were totally stumped and fortunately, CC managed to ask the right person in a shop selling household wares who knew of its usage. I reckon we didn’t do too badly as we were just a few points shy of the team in the 20th slot, which happened to be my colleague’s team.
This is as my colleague puts it, our 'baptism of fire' in the hunting game as it represents one of the tougher hunts around....and like its namesake in the song, Diamonds are Forever, this hunt is very memorable and proved to be an invaluable experience.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Hunter or hunted?
Hmmm, it’s been ages since I last update my blog…have been super duper busy slogging at work and going for my treasure hunts on the weekends. Last week I just stepped into the gym twice and that’s for BC. I went treasure hunting to PD the day before I had food poisoning. As mentioned earlier, I had intended to take leave on the fri to prep myself for the hunt as I was driving. Unfortunately, I had to cancel my leave last minute and went back to work. I got off early though as I was too brain dead and went for SGP’s BC. He however ffk the class and Pickles replaced him. Well, thanks to Pickles, my heartbeat went Boom, Boom, Boom again and I rediscovered my passion for BC….hehehehe
Got up real early on the sat morning and went to pick up my team members to go for the hunt. Felt somewhat excited as this outing was very spontaneous and agreed upon in less than a week.
A bit ‘chung tung’ but that’s the thrill I guess….We also thought it would be a great prep exercise for everyone before the ‘mentally challenging’ Mensa hunt. Anyway, I having been so stressed at work lately, plus PMS plus lack of sleep was making me super grouchy and cursed at everyone who obstructed my way and shouted at my poor navigator, which by the way was her first-time at that role. Now, I realized that I am not a good driver and should just contend at being either the navigator or passenger.
I don’t have a ‘fixed hunting team’ as yet so it’s kinda a mish-mash group mostly, some with more experience than others but I reckon the most important thing is teamwork. Everyone contributes in one way or another regardless of the role that they play and it’s the camaraderie between the team members that makes it so much more worthwhile. Of course, mostly I have the final say on the answers. I’m not sure why even though I am also considered a newbie at this. Probably I’m more street-smart gwa….muahahahaha…size of head swollen to 2 sizes bigger due to ego ballooning…
The hunt was tricky to say the least and as we were not experienced enough, we fell for most of the red herrings dangled to us. I felt that the questions were not 'tight' enough and some were just too vague leading to us just 'hentam-ing' the answers. Nevertheless, we enjoyed the hunt, thrashing out whatever answers that popped into our heads, with some ridiculous far-fetched ones in-between too!!! We even trailed a pro-team and asked the shop-keeper what they bought as we couldn't cracked the treasures questions. Trust me, this is one of the 'survival skills' when in desperation. Muahahahaha....I heard from my colleague that a Master hunter joined her team once and there's no such gila antics abound. The whole car is really quiet and the Master takes answering the questions very seriously!! Sei lor, i think i will not be able to withstand that kind of pressure man.....
I'm glad that i have a bunch of hunting enthusiasts to call upon whenever i want to go hunting. The only problem is there's lack of a voluntary driver all the time. Somehow, nobody wants to be the driver, which i reckon is the easiest role to be in. Everyone wants to be either the navigator or the passenger. But when i volunteer to be the driver, i was told that i'm more suited to fit into the passenger role. What happens then? Regardless of whether i'm the driver or the navigator, i'm still engaged to help solve the questions. No doubt everyone should be invoved in solving the questions but i think the onus should mostly be on the 2 back passengers when there are 4 persons in the car so that the driver and navigator can concentrate on the roads and make sure everyone is in safe hands and the team doesn't get lost. We have not reached the status of the Masters who can make do with just 2 team members who can multi-tasked and still do well. not feeling too happy about this as everyone seemed to be too dependent on me sometimes....
Hunting though is not everyone's cup of tea except for those who relish in participating in some cerebral activities and mentally challenging exercises during the mostly weekend held events. As for me, i reckon it not only helps to improve my vocab but also builds on my general knowledge. And if they are outstation hunts, i get to indulge in my adventurous spirit of travelling and discovering new places i wish i had discover this hobby earlier...but i guess it's never too late...:D
Got up real early on the sat morning and went to pick up my team members to go for the hunt. Felt somewhat excited as this outing was very spontaneous and agreed upon in less than a week.
I don’t have a ‘fixed hunting team’ as yet so it’s kinda a mish-mash group mostly, some with more experience than others but I reckon the most important thing is teamwork. Everyone contributes in one way or another regardless of the role that they play and it’s the camaraderie between the team members that makes it so much more worthwhile. Of course, mostly I have the final say on the answers. I’m not sure why even though I am also considered a newbie at this. Probably I’m more street-smart gwa….muahahahaha…size of head swollen to 2 sizes bigger due to ego ballooning…
The hunt was tricky to say the least and as we were not experienced enough, we fell for most of the red herrings dangled to us. I felt that the questions were not 'tight' enough and some were just too vague leading to us just 'hentam-ing' the answers. Nevertheless, we enjoyed the hunt, thrashing out whatever answers that popped into our heads, with some ridiculous far-fetched ones in-between too!!! We even trailed a pro-team and asked the shop-keeper what they bought as we couldn't cracked the treasures questions. Trust me, this is one of the 'survival skills' when in desperation. Muahahahaha....I heard from my colleague that a Master hunter joined her team once and there's no such gila antics abound. The whole car is really quiet and the Master takes answering the questions very seriously!! Sei lor, i think i will not be able to withstand that kind of pressure man.....
I'm glad that i have a bunch of hunting enthusiasts to call upon whenever i want to go hunting. The only problem is there's lack of a voluntary driver all the time. Somehow, nobody wants to be the driver, which i reckon is the easiest role to be in. Everyone wants to be either the navigator or the passenger. But when i volunteer to be the driver, i was told that i'm more suited to fit into the passenger role. What happens then? Regardless of whether i'm the driver or the navigator, i'm still engaged to help solve the questions. No doubt everyone should be invoved in solving the questions but i think the onus should mostly be on the 2 back passengers when there are 4 persons in the car so that the driver and navigator can concentrate on the roads and make sure everyone is in safe hands and the team doesn't get lost. We have not reached the status of the Masters who can make do with just 2 team members who can multi-tasked and still do well. not feeling too happy about this as everyone seemed to be too dependent on me sometimes....
Hunting though is not everyone's cup of tea except for those who relish in participating in some cerebral activities and mentally challenging exercises during the mostly weekend held events. As for me, i reckon it not only helps to improve my vocab but also builds on my general knowledge. And if they are outstation hunts, i get to indulge in my adventurous spirit of travelling and discovering new places i wish i had discover this hobby earlier...but i guess it's never too late...:D
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Down in the Doldrums
My song of the moment is “Promiscuous” by Nelly Furtado feat Timbaland…really love the catchy beat otherwise life is in the doldrums. I am still stuck under heaps of work which hopefully will all be over by tomorrow…keeping fingers crossed. Meanwhile, my face is plagued by adult acne due to the tremendous stress faced at work and the onset of my PMS. Uggghhhh…I could practically joined the ugly pimple dots on my face right now, it’s so depressing. I have already downed 2 cups of coffee since this morning and that’s before lunch. I think I need another one to pull me through till evening. This is really terrible.
I just had food poisoning over the last weekend where I had slept through day and night scrunched up like a prawn, with a woozy head and a queasy tummy. That, after throwing up in the early hours of the morning!!! I finally visited the doc in the late evening after having been unable to withstand the torture any longer. The pain did not subside as I had fervently wished for despite sleeping for what seemed like donkey hours to me. The doc diagnosed me as having food poisoning and suffering from food indigestion due to oily food consumed. Right, that means eating bland food for the next few days. I took the Mon off as my stomach was still troubling me and when I looked at food, I felt nauseous. Very well for taking a few pounds off albeit the hard way, this was how a friend consoled me. LM was in the same boat as me, suffering from high fever and throwing up occasionally. So, there we were, 2 miserable souls wallowing in self-pity sms-ing each other to keep abreast of our ‘recovery’. If it wasn’t so painful, it would have been hilarious. Anyway, I got some vcds to keep me company, alternating between watching the serials and drifting off to la-la land.
I managed to summon enough energy to go gym for my BC in the late evening and as usual, I arrived on the dot. I am sure I looked really wan and dreadful and my gym buddies looked surprise to see me as I had been MIA for BC for quite awhile now especially Mon class. I became tired very easily and resorted to stopping after every track to catch my breath and sipped some water to keep me going. Fortunately, SGP was tired as well since he took a break at every track. I left immediately upon finishing the class to go bathe for fear of the long queues.
I just had food poisoning over the last weekend where I had slept through day and night scrunched up like a prawn, with a woozy head and a queasy tummy. That, after throwing up in the early hours of the morning!!! I finally visited the doc in the late evening after having been unable to withstand the torture any longer. The pain did not subside as I had fervently wished for despite sleeping for what seemed like donkey hours to me. The doc diagnosed me as having food poisoning and suffering from food indigestion due to oily food consumed. Right, that means eating bland food for the next few days. I took the Mon off as my stomach was still troubling me and when I looked at food, I felt nauseous. Very well for taking a few pounds off albeit the hard way, this was how a friend consoled me. LM was in the same boat as me, suffering from high fever and throwing up occasionally. So, there we were, 2 miserable souls wallowing in self-pity sms-ing each other to keep abreast of our ‘recovery’. If it wasn’t so painful, it would have been hilarious. Anyway, I got some vcds to keep me company, alternating between watching the serials and drifting off to la-la land.
I managed to summon enough energy to go gym for my BC in the late evening and as usual, I arrived on the dot. I am sure I looked really wan and dreadful and my gym buddies looked surprise to see me as I had been MIA for BC for quite awhile now especially Mon class. I became tired very easily and resorted to stopping after every track to catch my breath and sipped some water to keep me going. Fortunately, SGP was tired as well since he took a break at every track. I left immediately upon finishing the class to go bathe for fear of the long queues.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
*Groan* I am soooo tired! It’s as though no matter how much zzzz I get, it’s never enough. I guess I’m having a burnout with the long working hours I’ve been putting at work for the past couple of weeks! Yesterday night, I fell asleep while watching a dvd and it was only 10 plus! Hmmm, and I couldn’t even wake up this morning.
I went for a massage on Mon night after work as I was having neck and shoulder pain, prob due to the position that I was sitting facing the pc. Anyways, I ended up getting a foot massage as well since I was feeling paranoid about having some unknown disease or wat-nots lurking inside my body system with the amount of junk and caffeine that I’m pumping into my body due to stress. Also, I have been procrastinating on my annual medical check-up so…The masseuse spoke to me in Mandarin as she’s from China and I reply (minimally) in my halting Mandarin. I had the neck and shoulder massage lying face down on the bed. My gawd, it felt like I was a pillow being pummeled to the ground, which obviously mean I had a lot of stress and tension on my shoulders!!
I reckon writing in a way is rather therapeutic to me as it allows me to ‘purge’ all my thoughts and ill-feelings onto something since I’m too tired to call anybody to pour my sorrows….i’m feeling kinda depressed today as I was supposed to be on leave tomorrow to prep myself for the hunt this Saturday but since ‘something’ popped up in work, looks like I need to cancel my leave….boo-hoo-hoo…and I was so looking forward to a little R & R…
Woe is with me
Mired in self-pity and sorrows
How can this be?
When it’s such a bitter pill to swallow
I write this poem to weep my grief
And hope that it’ll wipe away my misery
Wish it’s just a phase passing in brief
Cos this is getting really dreary!
I went for a massage on Mon night after work as I was having neck and shoulder pain, prob due to the position that I was sitting facing the pc. Anyways, I ended up getting a foot massage as well since I was feeling paranoid about having some unknown disease or wat-nots lurking inside my body system with the amount of junk and caffeine that I’m pumping into my body due to stress. Also, I have been procrastinating on my annual medical check-up so…The masseuse spoke to me in Mandarin as she’s from China and I reply (minimally) in my halting Mandarin. I had the neck and shoulder massage lying face down on the bed. My gawd, it felt like I was a pillow being pummeled to the ground, which obviously mean I had a lot of stress and tension on my shoulders!!
I reckon writing in a way is rather therapeutic to me as it allows me to ‘purge’ all my thoughts and ill-feelings onto something since I’m too tired to call anybody to pour my sorrows….i’m feeling kinda depressed today as I was supposed to be on leave tomorrow to prep myself for the hunt this Saturday but since ‘something’ popped up in work, looks like I need to cancel my leave….boo-hoo-hoo…and I was so looking forward to a little R & R…
Woe is with me
Mired in self-pity and sorrows
How can this be?
When it’s such a bitter pill to swallow
I write this poem to weep my grief
And hope that it’ll wipe away my misery
Wish it’s just a phase passing in brief
Cos this is getting really dreary!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
A walk, step, pump to combat
I had to get up real early this morning to go for a walkathon and it was a torture cos last night i stayed up pretty late to update my blog (and YM-ing on the side...hehehehe) while sipping on my X-mas special Toffee Nut Frapp (which is a tad sweet even though i've asked for the light one...hmmm...the usual one would have increased chances of me getting diabetes, i reckon!!)
Anyway, apparently there's an on-going promo which the barista kindly 'highlighted' to me that upon purchase of 18 (yeah, you read that right) Starbucks beverages, i am entitled to get the Limited Edition Starbucks Coffee 2007 Planner and the promo is from Nov 13 till Jan 2nd! Well, i suppose, if i'm a diehard Starbucks fan, i reckon that's no sweat but for people like me who visit the place like once in a blue moon to take advantage of its wi-fi facility, hmmm, that's fat chance of me getting the planner, i must say!! The waiters were very nice and helpful and even gave me complimentary biscuits and muffins to try...hmmm, perhaps i should change my coffee fix to Starbucks instead of Coffee Bean after all....kakakakaka
I reached the Centrepoint Starbucks at 8am this morning to register myself for the walkathon. The newly-opened Starbucks outlet is a sponsor for the walk and we get free-flow of the freshly brewed coffee and tea. Oh yeah, we also got goodie bags from Starbucks, which included their apple cinnamon muffin (yummy), fruit cake, mug and cap! Not too bad, eh? *chuckle* And all in the name of raising funds for charity too!! The walk was organised by the BU community committee and was to raise funds for the Hope Shelter. I told my friends that since the walkathon is only around 2 plus km, it'll be a walk in the park and we just need to stroll along as though we were talking a walk to the local neighbourhood pasar malam. Muahahaha....Anyways, after all the ding-dong of registration, chit-chatting, drinking our fill of Starbucks beverages, we were flagged off around 9.15am. There were around 200 odd people and consists of senior citizens, families, yuppies and children. We started strolling but was amazed that the 'tai chi' group of senior citizens powered their way to the front line...Wow, it sorta crushed our ego somewhat with the lack of oommmphh the way we were walking compared to them....and we were supposed to be the *ahem* younger and fitter counterparts...hehehehe
A lady committtee member who passed us told us to just enjoy the scenery and not to hurry ourselves in pursuit of the faster walkers. CC commented that it's actually very hard for us to be disqualified as we lacked the energy to even run or jog our way through, much less talked about power-walking!!! wakakakaka....Anyways, cos of the 'stiff competition', we ended up walking just for for over 10 to 15 minutes round the neighbourhood block. Which is pretty fast!!! Since, we didn't win any prizes, i took off to go for my gym session.
I got to my freestyle steps class just in time or rather was just 5 minutes late. I was lucky there was still a spot at the corner of the room. It wasn't the best spot as i could hardly see BCow even though he was wearing a striking yellow top! hehehe...He did the sashay thingy (again!!! am beginning to think it's gonna be permanent chory) and i just sorta skip my way through that, he did a dunno-what very fast motion side tap thingy (hmmm...must check with LM what's it called) and at a certain juncture, the whole class got confused again!! And i think this time round, BCow also got mixed-up...hahahaha....LM told me that the next level of freestyle steps consists of more combos and is faster paced! Ho-hum....i reckon then it'll definitely be awhile before i can advance to the next level lor....
Next, i joined in BP class as it's been ages since i last did BP...reckon it must be 2 weeks past. Tracks were mainly from older releases so i'm not really sure of the songs. Familiar ones were only Phantom of the Opera (torturing chest track) and Left Outside Alone, which is DC's fave. After BP, i summoned my last ounce of strength to go for BC! After the 2nd track, i gave up as my legs were screaming in pain!!! I signalled to LM and we both got out to take a breather!!! *Groan* that's all the punishment the body can take for a day, man!!
I reached the Centrepoint Starbucks at 8am this morning to register myself for the walkathon. The newly-opened Starbucks outlet is a sponsor for the walk and we get free-flow of the freshly brewed coffee and tea. Oh yeah, we also got goodie bags from Starbucks, which included their apple cinnamon muffin (yummy), fruit cake, mug and cap! Not too bad, eh? *chuckle* And all in the name of raising funds for charity too!! The walk was organised by the BU community committee and was to raise funds for the Hope Shelter. I told my friends that since the walkathon is only around 2 plus km, it'll be a walk in the park and we just need to stroll along as though we were talking a walk to the local neighbourhood pasar malam. Muahahaha....Anyways, after all the ding-dong of registration, chit-chatting, drinking our fill of Starbucks beverages, we were flagged off around 9.15am. There were around 200 odd people and consists of senior citizens, families, yuppies and children. We started strolling but was amazed that the 'tai chi' group of senior citizens powered their way to the front line...Wow, it sorta crushed our ego somewhat with the lack of oommmphh the way we were walking compared to them....and we were supposed to be the *ahem* younger and fitter counterparts...hehehehe
A lady committtee member who passed us told us to just enjoy the scenery and not to hurry ourselves in pursuit of the faster walkers. CC commented that it's actually very hard for us to be disqualified as we lacked the energy to even run or jog our way through, much less talked about power-walking!!! wakakakaka....Anyways, cos of the 'stiff competition', we ended up walking just for for over 10 to 15 minutes round the neighbourhood block. Which is pretty fast!!! Since, we didn't win any prizes, i took off to go for my gym session.
I got to my freestyle steps class just in time or rather was just 5 minutes late. I was lucky there was still a spot at the corner of the room. It wasn't the best spot as i could hardly see BCow even though he was wearing a striking yellow top! hehehe...He did the sashay thingy (again!!! am beginning to think it's gonna be permanent chory) and i just sorta skip my way through that, he did a dunno-what very fast motion side tap thingy (hmmm...must check with LM what's it called) and at a certain juncture, the whole class got confused again!! And i think this time round, BCow also got mixed-up...hahahaha....LM told me that the next level of freestyle steps consists of more combos and is faster paced! Ho-hum....i reckon then it'll definitely be awhile before i can advance to the next level lor....
Next, i joined in BP class as it's been ages since i last did BP...reckon it must be 2 weeks past. Tracks were mainly from older releases so i'm not really sure of the songs. Familiar ones were only Phantom of the Opera (torturing chest track) and Left Outside Alone, which is DC's fave. After BP, i summoned my last ounce of strength to go for BC! After the 2nd track, i gave up as my legs were screaming in pain!!! I signalled to LM and we both got out to take a breather!!! *Groan* that's all the punishment the body can take for a day, man!!
Village Park
Got back from work yesterday and took an afternoon nap. This is seriously not good...i never used to take afternoon naps cos when i do, i usually end up not being able to sleep later in the night. Anyways, i had intended to wait for a friend's call and ended up dozing instead!! hmmmphhh...
After my afternoon siesta, I brought my parents to eat nasi lemak at Village Park in Damansara Uptown for dinner.
Unfortunately, it was a wrong decision as most of the condiments were mainly leftovers. The famous deep fried chicken were all gone. So, we ended up making do with the basic nasi lemak with rendang chicken and side dishes of tempeh and mutton. The rendang chicken was quite good but my mum complained the sambal was a tad too sweet for her tastebuds. I like the way they cooked their rice. It's cooked in santan but the rice is just nice and firm and not too soggy. (the picture at the side is not from Village Park but rather a picture that i got from though what we got was similar to this...hehehe)
This is definitely a skill, believe i had cooked nasi lemak before and well, let's just say it's not too bad and edible lar....hehehehe...see, it was for my Home Science exams and we were all given different topics to cook. I chose nasi lemak as i thought it was the easiest and sorta coerced my family into eating them for one whole week as i had to practice and practice till i get it right!!!! kakakakaka.....and the dessert was ondeh-ondeh...which i must have made thousands of them!!! I think my sis was so sick of eating those that she just told me that it was perfect and i don't need to practice anymore....LOL
Yeah, back to Village Park, i've been there twice previously, both the times during lunch. And usually there's a huge crowd around, sometimes had to wait for seats too so when i got there yesterday and there were just a handful of people, i was really surprised. Perhaps, it should have alerted me. i know better. Their mee soto and mee jawa (i think) are also good. The basic lemak served includes sambal, half an egg, cucumbers, ikan bilis and nuts. Additional condiments like the petai, sotong, beef or chicken rendang, mutton etc are add-ons and calculated according to the quantity taken. Admittedly, the price is steeper than the usual mamak stall variety but then again, the price is commensurated with the quality that we get...
After my afternoon siesta, I brought my parents to eat nasi lemak at Village Park in Damansara Uptown for dinner.

This is definitely a skill, believe i had cooked nasi lemak before and well, let's just say it's not too bad and edible lar....hehehehe...see, it was for my Home Science exams and we were all given different topics to cook. I chose nasi lemak as i thought it was the easiest and sorta coerced my family into eating them for one whole week as i had to practice and practice till i get it right!!!! kakakakaka.....and the dessert was ondeh-ondeh...which i must have made thousands of them!!! I think my sis was so sick of eating those that she just told me that it was perfect and i don't need to practice anymore....LOL
Yeah, back to Village Park, i've been there twice previously, both the times during lunch. And usually there's a huge crowd around, sometimes had to wait for seats too so when i got there yesterday and there were just a handful of people, i was really surprised. Perhaps, it should have alerted me. i know better. Their mee soto and mee jawa (i think) are also good. The basic lemak served includes sambal, half an egg, cucumbers, ikan bilis and nuts. Additional condiments like the petai, sotong, beef or chicken rendang, mutton etc are add-ons and calculated according to the quantity taken. Admittedly, the price is steeper than the usual mamak stall variety but then again, the price is commensurated with the quality that we get...
Super-Size Me
Anyways, since my dad was hogging the tv, i couldn't watch my dvd and waited till yesterday to watch "Super-Size Me" after i got home from gym. I was supposed to do BP but as i was late (again) and chatted with LM, i hit the stepper instead and did some cardio workout...not that i fancy but better than just bathe and go back rite? I wasn't feeling that great as i got some 'disturbing news' that day so it wasn't really a TGIF kind of thingy...
Right, back to the documentary. It was filmed in 2004 and followed the legal case of 2 girls who sued McDonalds for making them obese. The director who also wrote the film,
put himself through a 30 day McDonald's diet, 3 meals a day, where everything has to be ordered from the menu, even the water! At the end of it, he put on like 25 pounds (which took him more than 9 mths to take off!!!) and his body fat and cholestrol level went sky-high!!! He had to take the super-size option (which was way larger than our local large size..*shock* *shock*) when offered which he ate and puke at one of the meals! It was utterly gross as they showed the puke too. I wonder how many of the Americans can actually stomach such monstrous proportions?? hmmm....would have taken me 2 to 3 meals i think....ironically as i was typing this, there's a McDonalds just right opposite from me.....hahaha....oh, just to share an interesting trivia....apparently, their salads, which by the way is not served here, contained more fat than Big Mac!!! Just wonder what kind of 'healthy' eating they are serving?? Hmmm, anyways, i haven't had McDs for awhile now. I remember previously i practically took McDs almost every week while i was collecting the Pooh soft toys!! yeah, yeah, yeah...that was some donkey years ago when i was still young mah...hehehe....well, i still have them and i'm proud to say that they are still in absolute 'mint' condition....muahahahaha
Recently, there was an article in the local dailies on the increasing obesity in the Asian regions with M'sia topping the list!!! And i quote here "Malaysia has the most number of fat people in the Asean region. In fact, the number of fat people here exceeds that in many developed countries, including Germany and France." Question is how did we get so fat? Was it due to the lack of exercise or are we eating way too much fast food due to the easy availability and fast-pace and unhealthy lifestyle that we are leading??? Hmmm....something to ponder on...
As for the legal case, McDonalds won and there was a Cheeseburger bill that was passed which ban lawsuits against the food industry that makes the people fat!!
Right, back to the documentary. It was filmed in 2004 and followed the legal case of 2 girls who sued McDonalds for making them obese. The director who also wrote the film,

Recently, there was an article in the local dailies on the increasing obesity in the Asian regions with M'sia topping the list!!! And i quote here "Malaysia has the most number of fat people in the Asean region. In fact, the number of fat people here exceeds that in many developed countries, including Germany and France." Question is how did we get so fat? Was it due to the lack of exercise or are we eating way too much fast food due to the easy availability and fast-pace and unhealthy lifestyle that we are leading??? Hmmm....something to ponder on...
As for the legal case, McDonalds won and there was a Cheeseburger bill that was passed which ban lawsuits against the food industry that makes the people fat!!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Re-cycling BC
Went for SGP BC the other day. Gawd!! It's so damn packed!!! Sigh!! And i actually thought of taking back this class? Oh boy! i must be nuts! As usual, i was late and didn't register or rather i was too late to register as the class was full oredi. So, i had to wait for everybody to get in first
and negotiate with the 'bouncer' at the door to squeeze me in. Bahhhh...of cos, i can't just leave like'll be such a waste of my time! And to think that i had snucked out from work to go for this class! Anyways, i was just too 'brain-dead' and wasn't really 'into' BC that night plus the tracks were mainly re-cycled from last fri's class. Beat It...again??? Oh gawd!!! Kill me puhleeeess...? Feel like beating him instead....He changed Track 5 though to Saturday Nite something...which i don't fancy too so i took the liberty of answering nature's call instead and took a breather outside...hehehe
Came back for Anything For Love, which is one of my fave track...the rest re-cyled tracks again. *Ahem* i thought he only re-cycles songs on thurs and fri, now it's like a week past and still re-cycling? duhhhh, luckily i don't go for monday classes anymore...can you imagine doing the same tracks like 3 times a week?? *choke* really beh tahan lar like that...after the class, we were told to stay back to *ahem* sing a birthday song for one of our gym buddy, LCG as SGP commanded...Wowsie...i reckon, the royalty don't get such red carpet treatment huh?? Well, i can't complain much since i was given a piece of the cake after the class, which i gulped down happily...apparently, it was baked by FBB and it was a lemon meringue, the same one as i ate in SGP house-warming i reckon....hmmm...chatted for awhile with some gym-kakis to catch up on some uhhhh...gym gossips....with the wookie...kakakaka
After i got home, where i was supposed to do some work, i decided to test my newly-bought dvds instead. I just got this new dvd which is called "Super-Size Me" , a documentary on the fast food, especially McDonalds...
Came back for Anything For Love, which is one of my fave track...the rest re-cyled tracks again. *Ahem* i thought he only re-cycles songs on thurs and fri, now it's like a week past and still re-cycling? duhhhh, luckily i don't go for monday classes anymore...can you imagine doing the same tracks like 3 times a week?? *choke* really beh tahan lar like that...after the class, we were told to stay back to *ahem* sing a birthday song for one of our gym buddy, LCG as SGP commanded...Wowsie...i reckon, the royalty don't get such red carpet treatment huh?? Well, i can't complain much since i was given a piece of the cake after the class, which i gulped down happily...apparently, it was baked by FBB and it was a lemon meringue, the same one as i ate in SGP house-warming i reckon....hmmm...chatted for awhile with some gym-kakis to catch up on some uhhhh...gym gossips....with the wookie...kakakaka
After i got home, where i was supposed to do some work, i decided to test my newly-bought dvds instead. I just got this new dvd which is called "Super-Size Me" , a documentary on the fast food, especially McDonalds...
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
As I have been swamped with work lately, I haven’t been going to that many classes. On tues, I managed to sneak off early, got home, ate, slept and then only went for cikgu’s class….hehehehe…While going to the changing room, bumped into cikgu along the corridor who saw me and tried to hide from me as he knew I was gonna smacked him for something that he
did. *evil grin* bah, he’s lucky that I’m such a forgiving person… hmmmmphhhh…I got into the studio and saw that everyone had oredi lined their boards nicely. So, I just squeezed in between 2 seemingly bigger gaps and chuck my board in while pushing the board behind me just a wee bit…uhh, okie, a lot more further from me…*snigger* well, the owner wasn’t around mah, nevermind lar, he wouldn’t notice at all…of cos, I forced LM to accompany me into the class as well…hehehehe…cos I dun have anyone to chat with me before the class starts mah…
BM and MIL stood at the back and were busily chatting away…hmmm, after I discovered BM
knew I called him BM, I reckon he tried to stay far far away from me liao…anyways, I’m just too embarrassed to face him also lar. This time round, I was crossing my fingers that there was no JW in front of me so when the guy in front started his steps, I nearly choked!! Omigawd, he’s not a JW but a Butt Wiggler (BW)…ROTFL…step up, wiggle, wiggle…knee lift, wiggle, wiggle…basic, wiggle, wiggle….muahahahaha…it was seriously hard trying not to laugh out loud and stare at his butt and his barely there butt-length shorts!!! *choke* *choke*
Gosh, why is it that I am always standing next to some weirdos?? I think I was staring real hard at his butt cos at one point he just clutched his butt in an attempt to stop it from wiggling so much….and he turned back several times to glance if somebody’s watching (u know kinda like the feeling that somebody’s watching u from behind?)…the guy standing diagonally from us must be wondering why I was focusing on the guy’s butt all the time and he also turned to look at BW!! Kakakaka…oh man, this is so hilarious! Half the time, I wasn’t listening to what cikgu was saying lar so I got most of my chory wrong liao…hehehehe…though at one point I caught the words which went like “If u do this blah blah blah, u’ll have nice legs like mine!” Ugggghhhh, now i think he’s definitely obsessed with his legs….I looked at him and rolled my eyes in disbelief….uhhhh-ohhh…not this line again?…he laughed sheepishly…
We did “Let’s Get Loud” for the party track which had that sashay thingy…was thinking hmmm, is this fella doing this on purpose or what? I just complained to him that I dunno how to do the sashay thingy in my freestyle class oredi and now he’s torturing me with this??…bahhhh…Idiot! My only consolation that night was my fave track, One Night in Bangkok….ahhhh, it’s definitely been awhile though I got my legs all twisted up doing the wrong steps…hmmm, come to think of it, he hasn’t done Voodoo Child for some time now…must remember to ask him to do it the next round liao…hehehe
BM and MIL stood at the back and were busily chatting away…hmmm, after I discovered BM
Gosh, why is it that I am always standing next to some weirdos?? I think I was staring real hard at his butt cos at one point he just clutched his butt in an attempt to stop it from wiggling so much….and he turned back several times to glance if somebody’s watching (u know kinda like the feeling that somebody’s watching u from behind?)…the guy standing diagonally from us must be wondering why I was focusing on the guy’s butt all the time and he also turned to look at BW!! Kakakaka…oh man, this is so hilarious! Half the time, I wasn’t listening to what cikgu was saying lar so I got most of my chory wrong liao…hehehehe…though at one point I caught the words which went like “If u do this blah blah blah, u’ll have nice legs like mine!” Ugggghhhh, now i think he’s definitely obsessed with his legs….I looked at him and rolled my eyes in disbelief….uhhhh-ohhh…not this line again?…he laughed sheepishly…
We did “Let’s Get Loud” for the party track which had that sashay thingy…was thinking hmmm, is this fella doing this on purpose or what? I just complained to him that I dunno how to do the sashay thingy in my freestyle class oredi and now he’s torturing me with this??…bahhhh…Idiot! My only consolation that night was my fave track, One Night in Bangkok….ahhhh, it’s definitely been awhile though I got my legs all twisted up doing the wrong steps…hmmm, come to think of it, he hasn’t done Voodoo Child for some time now…must remember to ask him to do it the next round liao…hehehe
Friday, November 24, 2006
Bumbu Bali
After finishing my gym session, me and LM decided to go catch a movie on a spur…I first went home to drop off my wet stuff then ate at the nearest kopi tiam. I love this kopi tiam as most of the hawker food is yummy…of cos my fave has to be the curry chicken chee cheong fun or the curry assam laksa (cham ‘tong’) When we reached the GSC, it was packed as usual, more so since the school hols has started…Unfortunately, the movie that I wanted to watch, Flushed Away (which I reckon would be better than Happy Feet, which urm, seemed juvenile…hehehe) was at a later showtime…a no-no since I had a dinner gathering later in the evening. So, we ended up watching Casino Royale again…yeah, me watching the movie 2nd time but I reckon it’s worth it cos this time round, I am able to absorb the storyline better and of cos the action scenes are really good too…just wished they didn’t cut it too much…
I had expected the movie to be 2 hours but ended up it finished around 2 and half hours plus all the preview trailers and wat-nots. So, was late for my dinner appointment liao when I got back. The rain had started to pour by the time me and family were on our way to the makan place. A friend introduced me to Bumbu Bali in Puchong and I found the food to be quite good so had wanted to bring my family to try it out. The place serves Balinese food, albeit fine-tuned to suit the local taste buds. Deco is very much Balinese style with soft music in the background and some paintings and knick-knacks from Bali being sold at the side. Furniture is teak (I think) and the whole ambience is very relaxed, which I favour.
I had expected the movie to be 2 hours but ended up it finished around 2 and half hours plus all the preview trailers and wat-nots. So, was late for my dinner appointment liao when I got back. The rain had started to pour by the time me and family were on our way to the makan place. A friend introduced me to Bumbu Bali in Puchong and I found the food to be quite good so had wanted to bring my family to try it out. The place serves Balinese food, albeit fine-tuned to suit the local taste buds. Deco is very much Balinese style with soft music in the background and some paintings and knick-knacks from Bali being sold at the side. Furniture is teak (I think) and the whole ambience is very relaxed, which I favour.
We called 3 of their signature main courses to share as the portions are huge, namely the Nasi Campur, Nasi Ayam Betutu and the Grilled Chicken and Lamb Combo. Had the sate lilit on the side too (which are actually mixture of prawn & fish and looks like our local sate but wa
s skewered in lemon grass instead of the stick) I found the recipe here...

Everyone love the ayam betutu, which was marinated and deep fried nicely, the meat was still tender and not coarse. I called a mocktail named Extra Virgin "something" Margarita to wash down the food. Unfortunately, as it's a mocktail, it kinda lack the 'kick' of the normal margarita plus it was really sour....which i guesswas good for digestion though with the amount of meat that we consumed. We couldn't finish the 3 main dishes and was thankful that we didn't ordered a meal it is, we are stuffed!!! Previously, i tried one of the popular desserts, which was called Es Campur, not unlike our local ABC but it was sooooo sweet!! I had like one sip of plain water with every spoonful of the dessert...uggghhhh, which made me felt so bloated....
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Dazed and Confused
On sun morning, I religiously woke up to go for my Basic Steps class. The class is definitely getting more packed and those who were late had to stack their boards at the corner which happened to me previously. BCow taught more complicated chunk of combos and most of us were dazed and confused, so to speak, as the front looked to the back for guidance at times and the back just stared in front, lost!
I hate it when he does the ‘sashay’ thingy where he just sauntered off to the other end of the room and comes back with another style…think it’s a gallop or something! All I could see was just legs and more legs twisting and turning on the board and on the floor! Hmmphhhh…luckily he’s patient enough to teach it in slow-mo and gave easy options for dumb people like me, who gets really confused and worked up especially since it’s on an early Sunday morning, which is all the more torturing on the brain as it’s still half-asleep!!! I love his song choices though…and he introduced this new thingy which he called the ‘side pendulum’ whereby we do a side pendulum on each side of the board….interesting, I must say since I haven’t seen it before, though for the life of me still don’t know how it’s done as I took the easy option of multiple side taps… I lost my focus a couple of times during the class and ended up going the opposite way from the others so it was hilarious!
After basic, I rushed for SGP’s BC. Unfortunately, I was told upon arrival that he had FFK the class and there was a replacement. Ahwell, it’s LM’s fault….hehhehe…if she had gone to meet me for basic, I would have stayed on for Hooligan’s BC. Tsk, tsk, tsk…anyways, I reckon I’m not so choosy nowadays on the BC instructor anymore, unlike previously where I’ll just walked away if that particular instructor wasn’t teaching. So, the replacement was Youngest Incredibles (YI). I haven’t tried his classes since god knows when so was kinda curious on whether he had improved. Urm, not sure whether it was nerves or fear that the hardcore SGP fans/crowd was making him pressured so he made some errors, especially on his cue-ing and his ‘rhythm’. Song choices leaned towards the older releases which was easier to teach as they have simpler chory.
Anyways, I have to admit that it’s hard to follow other instructors style simply becos SGP’s rhythm is somewhat slower than the rest of them albeit following the music beat religiously. BM was hanging outside after changing from his BS attire. I can see that he’s no longer wearing ‘loud’ colours and he was errr, giving me and LM weird glances. Suspected cikgu might have told him what we had said after all…hmmm, I shall wring his neck if he did…Anyways, BM didn’t go into BC till the last 2 tracks! That was when me and LM had gone outside for a breather! And he did shout…both me and LM heard it! Hoo-hoo…I’m gonna tell cikgu that he’s so wrooong, wrooong, wroooong….
I hate it when he does the ‘sashay’ thingy where he just sauntered off to the other end of the room and comes back with another style…think it’s a gallop or something! All I could see was just legs and more legs twisting and turning on the board and on the floor! Hmmphhhh…luckily he’s patient enough to teach it in slow-mo and gave easy options for dumb people like me, who gets really confused and worked up especially since it’s on an early Sunday morning, which is all the more torturing on the brain as it’s still half-asleep!!! I love his song choices though…and he introduced this new thingy which he called the ‘side pendulum’ whereby we do a side pendulum on each side of the board….interesting, I must say since I haven’t seen it before, though for the life of me still don’t know how it’s done as I took the easy option of multiple side taps… I lost my focus a couple of times during the class and ended up going the opposite way from the others so it was hilarious!
After basic, I rushed for SGP’s BC. Unfortunately, I was told upon arrival that he had FFK the class and there was a replacement. Ahwell, it’s LM’s fault….hehhehe…if she had gone to meet me for basic, I would have stayed on for Hooligan’s BC. Tsk, tsk, tsk…anyways, I reckon I’m not so choosy nowadays on the BC instructor anymore, unlike previously where I’ll just walked away if that particular instructor wasn’t teaching. So, the replacement was Youngest Incredibles (YI). I haven’t tried his classes since god knows when so was kinda curious on whether he had improved. Urm, not sure whether it was nerves or fear that the hardcore SGP fans/crowd was making him pressured so he made some errors, especially on his cue-ing and his ‘rhythm’. Song choices leaned towards the older releases which was easier to teach as they have simpler chory.
Anyways, I have to admit that it’s hard to follow other instructors style simply becos SGP’s rhythm is somewhat slower than the rest of them albeit following the music beat religiously. BM was hanging outside after changing from his BS attire. I can see that he’s no longer wearing ‘loud’ colours and he was errr, giving me and LM weird glances. Suspected cikgu might have told him what we had said after all…hmmm, I shall wring his neck if he did…Anyways, BM didn’t go into BC till the last 2 tracks! That was when me and LM had gone outside for a breather! And he did shout…both me and LM heard it! Hoo-hoo…I’m gonna tell cikgu that he’s so wrooong, wrooong, wroooong….
Steaming Hot Karaoke
I felt lethargic on sat morn but still managed to drag myself to work in a half-daze. By the time, I reached home in the evening, I was so tired that I just fell asleep on the couch! Fortunately, I was able to wake up on time for my dinner appointment. Me and my friends went for steamboat in Yuen Steamboat in Sunway, which was supposedly good. Anyways, my gym buddy told me that the shop opened at 6pm so being kiasu, we arranged to reach there just in time for the shop to open in case there’s a long queue so imagined our surprise when we reached at 6pm and found the shop to be packed!!! The boss told me that they opened at 5pm and not 6pm as I thought. What a bummer! We ended up waiting for 45 minutes sitting like dungus on the outside stools before we finally got our table….am definitely making a reservation the next time I go…
The steamboat was buffet-styled so some volunteered to go get the raw grub….though we ended up eating a lot of balls! Chicken balls, sotong balls, fish balls….you named it, we would have eaten it! Gosh, I’ve never eaten so many balls at one go…well, no thanks to our dear friend, CC lar…*snigger* Midway thru our dumping the raw stuff into the pot to cook, we heard chair scratching on floor sounds and people rushing to the buffet table…CC enlightened us by saying that it’s those kiasu people who were trying to grab the chicken wings!! Hmmm…just wondered whether their chicken wings are really that good? Anyways, sad to say, after 3 times of serving the chicken wings, we still didn’t managed to get any due to the more kiasu people sweeping everything clean…of cos we blamed it on our seating position, which was at the far end of the room…but even the students who sat behind us managed to get the wings for a 2nd helping so it was kinda an embarrassing defeat!
Stuffed on balls and ice-cream, we adjourned for a karaoke session as we finished rather early. Unfortunately, we couldn’t even get into Sunway Pyramid, which was heavily congested due to some closure of roads so we landed up at Galaxy KTV (previously knowned as SongBird KTV), situated down the highway. There were parking available plus it has the added security of being located next to a police station so I guess we are pretty safe!! *chuckle* As we had gone in during “happy hour”, our package included 2 drinks and a buffet dinner as well and compulsory
tidbits!! Which I think was daylight robbery!! Since we were already there, we just went along with it and got shown to our room. The room was spacious and could easily sit 8 to 10 people. As there were only 5 of us, we could practically perform somersaults in the room! The remote was not user-friendly like the one in Redbox so it took us awhile before we got the hang of using it to select the songs! We selected song choices ranging from oldies to 80s music to latest hits! Even attempted some Chinese/mandarin songs but as all of us were “banana people”, we could only sing a few verse lar….which is not to say that it’s the correct pronounciations too…but since there were no one to judge us, heck care…hahahaha…Nowadays, I favour more rock songs as it’s much easier to sing than the slower songs, which tend to lull one to sleep….and so melancholy too….hmmm…we finished off by midnite as everyone had the Cinderella syndrome and were yawning continuously….and you know how contagious a yawn can be! YAWN!!!
The steamboat was buffet-styled so some volunteered to go get the raw grub….though we ended up eating a lot of balls! Chicken balls, sotong balls, fish balls….you named it, we would have eaten it! Gosh, I’ve never eaten so many balls at one go…well, no thanks to our dear friend, CC lar…*snigger* Midway thru our dumping the raw stuff into the pot to cook, we heard chair scratching on floor sounds and people rushing to the buffet table…CC enlightened us by saying that it’s those kiasu people who were trying to grab the chicken wings!! Hmmm…just wondered whether their chicken wings are really that good? Anyways, sad to say, after 3 times of serving the chicken wings, we still didn’t managed to get any due to the more kiasu people sweeping everything clean…of cos we blamed it on our seating position, which was at the far end of the room…but even the students who sat behind us managed to get the wings for a 2nd helping so it was kinda an embarrassing defeat!
Stuffed on balls and ice-cream, we adjourned for a karaoke session as we finished rather early. Unfortunately, we couldn’t even get into Sunway Pyramid, which was heavily congested due to some closure of roads so we landed up at Galaxy KTV (previously knowned as SongBird KTV), situated down the highway. There were parking available plus it has the added security of being located next to a police station so I guess we are pretty safe!! *chuckle* As we had gone in during “happy hour”, our package included 2 drinks and a buffet dinner as well and compulsory
Monday, November 20, 2006
A Sensory Journey
Last thurday, I was “summoned” to attend a business dinner. Now, I wasn’t really looking forward to it as the previous business lunch that I went, I was bored to tears though I was treated to delectable Japanese fare at Genji which was lip-smacking good…I had the buffet there previously and it was superb!! However, as I didn’t have a stomach big enough to try out everything that was laid out on the buffet spread, I had to discriminate about what I take and put into my mouth!! Well, as long as the sashimi is fresh, I do not have any complaints...though my pick for Japanese buffet still goes to Kampachi in Equatorial Hotel…until i try Jogoya in Starhill, which everyone's been raving about...
Right, back to my business dinner…when I heard that it was gonna be at Senses, KL Hilton, I was mollified as the food is decidedly good cos I remember the times that I’ve been there for functions and dinners at their ballroom, I’ve not been disappointed so far. When me and my boss arrived, the waiters had arranged a table set for 6 at a quiet and intimate corner with soft lightings, which had me urm, surprised as it looks too ‘romantic’ and was more suited for a gathering of friends instead of conducting a business meal. So, we waited for awhile for them to re-arranged the tables and sit us at another corner, which is more ‘open’ and conducive, not to mention being able to peer into the neighbouring restaurants…the high overhead ceiling was beautifully decorated with coloured glass panes in the 12 zodiacs…which I normally would have photograph if not for the fact that I was supposed to be on my best conduct that night and not behaving like some ‘Jakun’ who just came out from the jungle!!! LOL...
The aptly named Senses restaurant is classy and contemporary in deco and is headed by an award-winning world-renowned Malaysian chef who was previously attached to the Hilton Adelaide. The fine-dining restaurant serves Asian Fusion cuisine. The menu itself has limited choices and
for once, there are no prices (??) on the menu and the chef had actually matched each of the culinary dishes with a wine listed below! Whoa…somehow felt ownself being 'elevated' into the upper echelons of society and got a sneak preview into the 'lifestyles of the rich & famous' ....ohhhh, luckily the company is footing the bill. Hmmm, the waiters and waitresses were very professional and were able to recommend food choices for each of us. We were given smoked salmon as starters, which came in kebab-style sticks topped with pickled cucumbers, which everybody thought were big blobs of wasabi initially....*chuckle*....compliments from the chef and different types of bread choice, which we get to select from the waitress and our own individual butter stored in jewellery-like box...the butter was really nice and creamy…you can almost eat it on its own without the bread!! Hehehee…The scrumptious picture on the above right is the chef signature dish, a starter named Four Dances of the Sea, which is a combo of seafood, taken from their website....
I started off with a seafood soup, with the seafood being presented in an interesting bowl and the soup then poured by the waiter from a teapot into the bowl. Hmmm, that was rather creative. The rest of the group had all their soup poured from an individual teapot as well. My boss had the Maestro Vegetarian starters, which was also one of the chef signature dish. The artistic dish looked too nice to be eaten and my boss raved about it. Ok, back to my seafood soup…the seafood was not boiled together with the soup as is the case elsewhere and thus, was able to retain its own natural flavour and not as bland if it had been done so otherwise. The waiter recommended me the Australian Halibut as my main course but I found the fish quite coarse, perhaps due to over-cooking or it was not defrosted properly. Unfortunately, I accidentally took the beef as well, which tasted like fried bacon even though I had informed the waiter to omit it. Hmmm…and I remembered seeing him write down the order too…oh well, no use crying over spilt milk I guess….My neighbour had the wagyu beef and she told me that it was really good. As for the rest of the group, some had the salmon and one had the Australian crayfish, which looked really delectable!! Wished I had chosen that instead…bad choice, bad choice…
We ordered fruit platter for dessert as everyone was too stuffed and were pleasantly surprised to see them arranged in a creative and beautiful manner, marrying local and imported fruits with sorbet at the side! It was fun trying to figure out which fruit was what, with the various types of berries in front of our eyes. We were also given chocolates, mini tarts and a sorbet each, compliments from the chef again!! That was a really nice touch even though we knew that the costs was somehow ‘inputed’ into our bill already. By the end of the dinner, everyone was fully satiated and beaming with a smile on their faces. My boss told me that she’s definitely going back next time for another Sensory Journey!
Right, back to my business dinner…when I heard that it was gonna be at Senses, KL Hilton, I was mollified as the food is decidedly good cos I remember the times that I’ve been there for functions and dinners at their ballroom, I’ve not been disappointed so far. When me and my boss arrived, the waiters had arranged a table set for 6 at a quiet and intimate corner with soft lightings, which had me urm, surprised as it looks too ‘romantic’ and was more suited for a gathering of friends instead of conducting a business meal. So, we waited for awhile for them to re-arranged the tables and sit us at another corner, which is more ‘open’ and conducive, not to mention being able to peer into the neighbouring restaurants…the high overhead ceiling was beautifully decorated with coloured glass panes in the 12 zodiacs…which I normally would have photograph if not for the fact that I was supposed to be on my best conduct that night and not behaving like some ‘Jakun’ who just came out from the jungle!!! LOL...
The aptly named Senses restaurant is classy and contemporary in deco and is headed by an award-winning world-renowned Malaysian chef who was previously attached to the Hilton Adelaide. The fine-dining restaurant serves Asian Fusion cuisine. The menu itself has limited choices and

I started off with a seafood soup, with the seafood being presented in an interesting bowl and the soup then poured by the waiter from a teapot into the bowl. Hmmm, that was rather creative. The rest of the group had all their soup poured from an individual teapot as well. My boss had the Maestro Vegetarian starters, which was also one of the chef signature dish. The artistic dish looked too nice to be eaten and my boss raved about it. Ok, back to my seafood soup…the seafood was not boiled together with the soup as is the case elsewhere and thus, was able to retain its own natural flavour and not as bland if it had been done so otherwise. The waiter recommended me the Australian Halibut as my main course but I found the fish quite coarse, perhaps due to over-cooking or it was not defrosted properly. Unfortunately, I accidentally took the beef as well, which tasted like fried bacon even though I had informed the waiter to omit it. Hmmm…and I remembered seeing him write down the order too…oh well, no use crying over spilt milk I guess….My neighbour had the wagyu beef and she told me that it was really good. As for the rest of the group, some had the salmon and one had the Australian crayfish, which looked really delectable!! Wished I had chosen that instead…bad choice, bad choice…
We ordered fruit platter for dessert as everyone was too stuffed and were pleasantly surprised to see them arranged in a creative and beautiful manner, marrying local and imported fruits with sorbet at the side! It was fun trying to figure out which fruit was what, with the various types of berries in front of our eyes. We were also given chocolates, mini tarts and a sorbet each, compliments from the chef again!! That was a really nice touch even though we knew that the costs was somehow ‘inputed’ into our bill already. By the end of the dinner, everyone was fully satiated and beaming with a smile on their faces. My boss told me that she’s definitely going back next time for another Sensory Journey!
Return to BC!
After skipping gym for like ages, I finally dragged myself for SGP’s BC on fri. Since boss left early for her dance class, I took the liberty of leaving early as well…snigger…it’s just too depressing to stay back on a Friday nite I reckon. So I went home, changed and picked on some tidbits before going. It was drizzling when I reached! Drat! Rain, rain, rain….all it does is rain everyday and makes everyone miserable…really beh tahan!!
I was late as usual for class…they just started warm-up so it was still alrite to jump-in midway…warm-up was Nessaja, one of my fave tracks…but since haven’t gone for BC for awhile now, memory is kinda rusty so got the chory a bit mixed-up…hahahaha..Track 2 was Blow My
Whistle…urm, dun really fancy it but it’s still alrite…SGP did Addicted to Love for Track 3, which incidentally is Nikeboy’s fave, which he almost always do in his classes…Track 4 was Beat It, SGP’s fave…am not sure why...neither the song nor the combo is uhhh catchy to me….maybe it’s cos I don’t really fancy MJ...we did the circle track of Faster, Harder, Scooter for Track 5…which somehow always gets messy if done in a big studio….that's why most of the instructors hardly teach this track...
I absolutely luuuurve Track 6, which is Vogue from the new release…gosh, it’s so damn stylo…I can practically do the track everyday man!! Muay Thai was Hit them! (I think) and finished off with the stoopid gallop track, Furia….Ugggghhhh, I was intro to this track when a certain instructor (who has stopped teaching now) replaced one of SGP’s class and it has somehow left a bad taste in my mouth cos it so reminds me of him each time this track is being played, whether it’s by SGP or other instructors…conditioning track was One of My Kind, which I haven’t done for ages also…hmmm, finally, the cooldown, which is SGP’s fave again (but haven’t done for ages) was Freur Frei by Rammstein.
Reckon SGP looked tired and kinda lost his ‘spark’ in the classbut thought maybe it was cos he just rushed from another class before this. Later learned that he was sick the day before…hahahaha…which is so typical of him, spreading the virus to the gym members just so he could get well faster when the virus managed to latch on to some new victims!!! Ahwell, I do that all the time too!!! Waakakaaka…
After BC, I decided to go for BS as well since the class was being replaced by Flintstone. I haven’t gone for his classes before so was game to try it out. SGP was very ‘encouraging’ since that’s his friend and the class usually attracts only a handful of members, mostly non-regulars I would say….anyways, I started out putting my board right at the back of the class but since there was a huge gap between me and the person in front of me, I moved it in front. The guy, who saw me moving my board forward decided to move his as well (??) so both of us continuously move our boards till he’s right in front of the instructor and me landed in the 2nd row!! At one point, i noticed that the guy in front was wearing an anklet (?) Hmmm…is it normal for guys to wear anklets, i wonder?? eyes rolling....anyways, it turned out that the guy was also a JW and he started gyrating at some point!!! Sigh! Why do i always end up behind a JW, huh?
Flintstone cue wasn’t really that spot-on and he didn’t do it as high-impact as cikgu…well, maybe it has something to do with his size, i he kinda looks comical at certain errr movements....LOL....Sori, just couldn't help it....of cos i know it's unfair to compare to cikgu after all they are both uhhhh of different stature and size.....anyways, cikgu gets real 'high' doing BS and his movements become even more intense and high-impact, which motivates the class to work harder, i guess!!! And, ohhhh, did i forget to mention that there’s the added ‘bonus’ of looking at long and toned legs moving and jumping around…yeah, that's definitely a bonus and a good motivation factor!!!…hahahaha…
I was late as usual for class…they just started warm-up so it was still alrite to jump-in midway…warm-up was Nessaja, one of my fave tracks…but since haven’t gone for BC for awhile now, memory is kinda rusty so got the chory a bit mixed-up…hahahaha..Track 2 was Blow My
I absolutely luuuurve Track 6, which is Vogue from the new release…gosh, it’s so damn stylo…I can practically do the track everyday man!! Muay Thai was Hit them! (I think) and finished off with the stoopid gallop track, Furia….Ugggghhhh, I was intro to this track when a certain instructor (who has stopped teaching now) replaced one of SGP’s class and it has somehow left a bad taste in my mouth cos it so reminds me of him each time this track is being played, whether it’s by SGP or other instructors…conditioning track was One of My Kind, which I haven’t done for ages also…hmmm, finally, the cooldown, which is SGP’s fave again (but haven’t done for ages) was Freur Frei by Rammstein.
Reckon SGP looked tired and kinda lost his ‘spark’ in the classbut thought maybe it was cos he just rushed from another class before this. Later learned that he was sick the day before…hahahaha…which is so typical of him, spreading the virus to the gym members just so he could get well faster when the virus managed to latch on to some new victims!!! Ahwell, I do that all the time too!!! Waakakaaka…
After BC, I decided to go for BS as well since the class was being replaced by Flintstone. I haven’t gone for his classes before so was game to try it out. SGP was very ‘encouraging’ since that’s his friend and the class usually attracts only a handful of members, mostly non-regulars I would say….anyways, I started out putting my board right at the back of the class but since there was a huge gap between me and the person in front of me, I moved it in front. The guy, who saw me moving my board forward decided to move his as well (??) so both of us continuously move our boards till he’s right in front of the instructor and me landed in the 2nd row!! At one point, i noticed that the guy in front was wearing an anklet (?) Hmmm…is it normal for guys to wear anklets, i wonder?? eyes rolling....anyways, it turned out that the guy was also a JW and he started gyrating at some point!!! Sigh! Why do i always end up behind a JW, huh?
Flintstone cue wasn’t really that spot-on and he didn’t do it as high-impact as cikgu…well, maybe it has something to do with his size, i he kinda looks comical at certain errr movements....LOL....Sori, just couldn't help it....of cos i know it's unfair to compare to cikgu after all they are both uhhhh of different stature and size.....anyways, cikgu gets real 'high' doing BS and his movements become even more intense and high-impact, which motivates the class to work harder, i guess!!! And, ohhhh, did i forget to mention that there’s the added ‘bonus’ of looking at long and toned legs moving and jumping around…yeah, that's definitely a bonus and a good motivation factor!!!…hahahaha…
Friday, November 17, 2006
Casino Royale
Woo-hooo…went to catch the preview of the new James Bond movie on Wed…Cheeky Chick (CC) had a few free movie tix so I and another fren went after work lor. Initially when I knew Daniel Craig (DC) was gonna be James Bond, I wasn’t enthusiastic about watching the movie as he urm, doesn’t look like the ‘archetypical’ Bond, if you know what I mean…anyways, I changed my mind after my bro showed me the movie trailer and it looks quite good…and well, he uhhh got quite a nice body too….hahahahaha…As the movie was a preview, there were some
securities involved eg. we were not able to bring our mobiles into the cinema as they are afraid that we might ‘filmed’ the entire movie and duplicate it into pirated vcds and dvds to distribute to society….(yeah, rite…like what’s the capacity of a camera phone lar??? Can filmed the entire film meh? Duhhh..tat’s like unless u have a camcorder lar) Anyways, we were ‘scanned’ by metal detector as well just in case we didn’t feel like surrendering our mobiles to them…of cos, we were smart enough to dump it in the car…I mean who’s gonna guarantee that any ah chu, ah kau won’t take our hp wor?? Hmmm, don’t trust lar this kind of thing…plus, my whole phone book is in there so if I lose it, I’ll not be able to contact anybody liao since I only remember my own hp no….kekekeke
There was a trailer on “Dukun” which was a local movie about the Mona Fendi case…looks very gory and violent...anyways, I kept my eyes averted cos I can’t watch horror movies without getting nightmares!!! Right, then the movie started. Hmm, DC still don’t look good though he has the bluest eyes! He looks haggard and crinkly but beefy-licious…LOL. Okie, overall, the movie is pretty violent but it definitely has a better storyline than the rest of the Bond movies (I watched most of them…hehehehe) and the lead actress has a meatier role than the usual bimbo character. She’s an accountant with brains…*ahem* *ahem*…whom Bond fell in love with so the movie is kinda romantic and funny at times as both of them exchanged witty repartees initially before falling in love. Ummm, the sceneries are breathtaking as well as it was filmed in Venice, Switzerland and Prague…ahhhh, sooooo beautiful!!! Daydreaming….How I wish I could go there now….
This movie, which is the first Bond novel that Ian Flemming wrote tells how James Bond got his ‘00’ Licence to Kill and how he became more refined as the movie progress. The actions are really spectacular and the opening chase scene had us clutching to our seats cos very ‘kan cheong’!! DC seemed to have done most of his own stunts as there were close-up shots of him performing them…of cos, there was a very ‘painful’ torture scene which I think most guys will go “Ouch” when they see it…hahahaha… surprisingly, this movie doesn’t have very high-tech gadgets like the previous ones though the Aston Martins are real cool…ok, spoilers ahead…
The ending was really sad as the girl died even though Bond tried to save her….i reckon that’s why Bond became a womanizer and doesn’t really trust anyone anymore cos the love of his life actually betrayed him! Well, I believe she does love him to a certain degree even though she has a boyfriend who was kidnapped by the terrorist in exchange for the monies that Bond entrusted her with…ahwell…maybe I’ll go get the book to should be better than the movie gwa….hmmm
There was a trailer on “Dukun” which was a local movie about the Mona Fendi case…looks very gory and violent...anyways, I kept my eyes averted cos I can’t watch horror movies without getting nightmares!!! Right, then the movie started. Hmm, DC still don’t look good though he has the bluest eyes! He looks haggard and crinkly but beefy-licious…LOL. Okie, overall, the movie is pretty violent but it definitely has a better storyline than the rest of the Bond movies (I watched most of them…hehehehe) and the lead actress has a meatier role than the usual bimbo character. She’s an accountant with brains…*ahem* *ahem*…whom Bond fell in love with so the movie is kinda romantic and funny at times as both of them exchanged witty repartees initially before falling in love. Ummm, the sceneries are breathtaking as well as it was filmed in Venice, Switzerland and Prague…ahhhh, sooooo beautiful!!! Daydreaming….How I wish I could go there now….
This movie, which is the first Bond novel that Ian Flemming wrote tells how James Bond got his ‘00’ Licence to Kill and how he became more refined as the movie progress. The actions are really spectacular and the opening chase scene had us clutching to our seats cos very ‘kan cheong’!! DC seemed to have done most of his own stunts as there were close-up shots of him performing them…of cos, there was a very ‘painful’ torture scene which I think most guys will go “Ouch” when they see it…hahahaha… surprisingly, this movie doesn’t have very high-tech gadgets like the previous ones though the Aston Martins are real cool…ok, spoilers ahead…
The ending was really sad as the girl died even though Bond tried to save her….i reckon that’s why Bond became a womanizer and doesn’t really trust anyone anymore cos the love of his life actually betrayed him! Well, I believe she does love him to a certain degree even though she has a boyfriend who was kidnapped by the terrorist in exchange for the monies that Bond entrusted her with…ahwell…maybe I’ll go get the book to should be better than the movie gwa….hmmm
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Mirror Mirror On The Wall
I attended a social event on the weekend. It was pretty amusing as i was asked some really weird questions throughout the night...First off was "Do you speak Mandarin?" Ok, this is not really surprising as most people seemed to think that i know Mandarin and are most likely to start off a conversation with me in Mandarin. Though i had tried studying Mandarin (confessed sheepishly twice in fact), i don't seem to have grasp the language very well. Of cos, when i start to speak in Mandarin every time, people will either burst out laughing or continue to speak to me at which point in time my brain had to work extra hard to process what the other person is saying then do a slow translation from Mand-Eng, digest, then think of a suitable reply in Eng before attempting (unsuccessfully) to translate back to Mand! See, it's just too much effort, i reckon so sometimes i just shake my head and say "I don't speak Mand" to kill off these people hopes of conversing Mandarin with me once and for all...Once in awhile i'll also get a lecture on why it's good to know your own mother tongue and bla bla bla...Sheeesh...
Next fave question was "Are you a Christian?" Now this is rather baffling especially when it was followed by the above question. I mean, most people who are Christians are usually English educated people so this really gets me stumped....i mean, how many English-edu people actually knows Mand too?? So, i asked them whether i looked like a Christian to them in which they answered yes...Go figure...though i agree some people do seemed to have a "Christian face" (no offence to anyone)
One person had the cheek to ask me whether i was a disco-kaki? I nearly jumped on him! What? Me? Someone who is so demure-looking?? muahahahaaha...oh, but seriously, i seldom hear this though my colleague had the same impression on me and didn't really believe me when i told him that i was a gym-kaki rather than a disco-kaki...Hmmm, just wondered what gave them that impression...perhaps i should revert to a China-doll hairstyle huh to look more goody-goody? LOL...
The highlight of the night came from a guy who asked me what was my profession? I told him in which he asked me what exactly do i do? In my mind, i was wondering which planet does this guy come from? The jungle perhaps?? So, i gave him a smile and replied sweetly that i deal with figures, accounts and calculator and he nodded his head! Imagine my surprise when he hit me with the next question? "So, are you the accounts clerk? or accounts assistant? or accounts officer?" I just looked at him baffled and wanted to smack him across...gees, does he like have an understanding problem or am i not speaking clearly enough...well, since other people seemed to have no problems understanding me, i guess it must be him! I patiently repeated that i'm an accountant and again he nodded his head. Then, get this...he said "What a co-incidence, i'm looking for an accountant to do some book-keeping for me" I'm like....errr, are you like offering me a job or trying to hint something here cos we don't seemed to be speaking the same wavelength after all....?? Then, i told him that he doesn't really need an accountant to do book-keeping...he just needs a LCCI grad who can jolly well do book-keeping for him at a minimal price...since he complained that the person that he asked quoted a 'big sum' to him...oh, what the heck! It's none of my business...i was very happy when i moved away from him and hoped that i'll never set eyes on him again....praying silently to God...
The other FAQ (frequently asked qustion) that i get is "Am I Local?" Gees, i never knew i had an 'outstation face' until people started asking me why is it that i never go back to my hometown during long breaks of hols...And me gives a big question mark face and replied "What hometown?" The funniest incident happened when i got a cab ride to the bus station during one of my hol trips. The cab driver, seeing me get in with a bag pack asked whether i was going back to my hometown. I told him that i was just going for a hol trip. Then he said, "But you are not local right?" I said yeah, but i am. He then proceeded to argue with me that i'm actually from Ipoh and that i'm only just renting a room here....I'm like...Hey, do you mean to say that you know me better than i know myself when i had been what..(counting my fingers) barely in your cab for that 10 minutes?? Anyway, after arguing unsucessfully (as he didn't really seemed to believe me) i just pretended not to hear what else he was saying and soon, he gave up and left me alone....
See, there are all sorts of people in this world and i'm just so lucky to be the one to meet them all (not)'s just hilarious to think that people seemed to have all sorts of perceptions on another person based on the 1st impression when they meet the person...Oh, my gem of the night was "Are you still schooling or working?" Muaahahaaha....that at least salvaged a bit of my pride!!
Next fave question was "Are you a Christian?" Now this is rather baffling especially when it was followed by the above question. I mean, most people who are Christians are usually English educated people so this really gets me stumped....i mean, how many English-edu people actually knows Mand too?? So, i asked them whether i looked like a Christian to them in which they answered yes...Go figure...though i agree some people do seemed to have a "Christian face" (no offence to anyone)
One person had the cheek to ask me whether i was a disco-kaki? I nearly jumped on him! What? Me? Someone who is so demure-looking?? muahahahaaha...oh, but seriously, i seldom hear this though my colleague had the same impression on me and didn't really believe me when i told him that i was a gym-kaki rather than a disco-kaki...Hmmm, just wondered what gave them that impression...perhaps i should revert to a China-doll hairstyle huh to look more goody-goody? LOL...
The highlight of the night came from a guy who asked me what was my profession? I told him in which he asked me what exactly do i do? In my mind, i was wondering which planet does this guy come from? The jungle perhaps?? So, i gave him a smile and replied sweetly that i deal with figures, accounts and calculator and he nodded his head! Imagine my surprise when he hit me with the next question? "So, are you the accounts clerk? or accounts assistant? or accounts officer?" I just looked at him baffled and wanted to smack him across...gees, does he like have an understanding problem or am i not speaking clearly enough...well, since other people seemed to have no problems understanding me, i guess it must be him! I patiently repeated that i'm an accountant and again he nodded his head. Then, get this...he said "What a co-incidence, i'm looking for an accountant to do some book-keeping for me" I'm like....errr, are you like offering me a job or trying to hint something here cos we don't seemed to be speaking the same wavelength after all....?? Then, i told him that he doesn't really need an accountant to do book-keeping...he just needs a LCCI grad who can jolly well do book-keeping for him at a minimal price...since he complained that the person that he asked quoted a 'big sum' to him...oh, what the heck! It's none of my business...i was very happy when i moved away from him and hoped that i'll never set eyes on him again....praying silently to God...
The other FAQ (frequently asked qustion) that i get is "Am I Local?" Gees, i never knew i had an 'outstation face' until people started asking me why is it that i never go back to my hometown during long breaks of hols...And me gives a big question mark face and replied "What hometown?" The funniest incident happened when i got a cab ride to the bus station during one of my hol trips. The cab driver, seeing me get in with a bag pack asked whether i was going back to my hometown. I told him that i was just going for a hol trip. Then he said, "But you are not local right?" I said yeah, but i am. He then proceeded to argue with me that i'm actually from Ipoh and that i'm only just renting a room here....I'm like...Hey, do you mean to say that you know me better than i know myself when i had been what..(counting my fingers) barely in your cab for that 10 minutes?? Anyway, after arguing unsucessfully (as he didn't really seemed to believe me) i just pretended not to hear what else he was saying and soon, he gave up and left me alone....
See, there are all sorts of people in this world and i'm just so lucky to be the one to meet them all (not)'s just hilarious to think that people seemed to have all sorts of perceptions on another person based on the 1st impression when they meet the person...Oh, my gem of the night was "Are you still schooling or working?" Muaahahaaha....that at least salvaged a bit of my pride!!
Mad Mad Dash to Class
It was absolute madness yesterday! Rain started pouring after i left the office and was on my way to pick LM. See, we had planned on going for cikgu's BP class and we even had a hand in selecting some of the tracks. Of cos we gave him a list of the 10 tracks but he said that he'll only pick a few of our choices and others will be his own. Oh well, whatever....better than nothing i guess since we don't even have a say in the other BP classes that we go to right? The rain became heavier as we went and practically everywhere's traffic was bad!! I finally got onto the NKVE driving at snail speed as i could hardly see the road!! I was also cursing at the other drivers who were obstructing my path and kept telling LM that this is a wrong, wrong, wrong decision.
Somehow, whenever we decide to go for his BP class, something is bound to go wrong. The last time we went, it was really jam (as usual) and as i was rushing for time, i was very 'kan cheong' so i missed the turning and head on straight to Shah Alam!! Then when i was on the right track, i missed a turning again and almost headed elsewhere!!! Drat! Luckily i had full tank! So, as usual, we were almost late for class! hmmmmphh...
Cos of the heavy downpour, the usually packed class dwindled to less than 20 people. Hmmm, that was a blessing as i am claustrauphobic! When we reached the gym, we quickly rushed in to change and register ourselves. I was dying to go to the loo but there was a queue as one of the stall was out of order. Anyway, i told LM that we better go arrange our equipment first then get back to the loo. Fortunately, LM's sis got us the step board and mat already and i moved my stuff to my fave spot. I was very frazzled as LM had took mismatched dumbells for me so i was running back and forth the class trying to grab my equipment and set-up as quickly as possible.
Cikgu of cos was amused as we looked like some hens who lost their heads!! Duhhh....he asked whether the class was ready but was actually throwing a questioning look at us! Bahhhh!!! Must keep cool and pretend that he wasn't talking about us...
After setting-up, I couldn't withstand it any longer and rushed to the loo to answer nature's call then went back to resume the class! My calf was still hurting from yesterday's hike so i wasn't do my squats properly and i tried putting on lighter weights instead. Can't remember what was the squat track but it had a lot of bottoms down! Oh man...the chest track was killing too. He played "Phantom of the Opera" which had lots of singles! Ugggghhh...definitely not one of my faves as what LM had thought. Clean and press was "Olympia" which i kinda like. Was a bit puzzled though as cikgu didn't really fancy that track when we suggested it previously. Anyhow, he was singing happily to the song! Hmmm...contradicting, contradicting...
Triceps track was LM's selected "California". I love the song but not really into the triceps dips. What the heck, this track only have 16 dips as i heard the next release will have 28 dips!!! Oh man! eyes thinking right now perhaps i should go to tomorrow's BPH class to see whether i'm lucky enough to get a sneak preview! Ok, ok, must sleep early tonight! Provided i finish the work that i brought home to do afterwards?...uh-oh...
He did "Pump It" for biceps. Omigawd! I feel like killing him oredi! My biceps hurts like hell and at certain juncture where i thought he wasn't looking, i just hold onto my barbell without doing any biceps curl! kakakakaka....that's the advantage of being a member and not an instructor. Heehehehe...Lunges was dunno what track but started off with calf raises. Gees, as if my calf is not hurting enough oredi! As usual i tried to slack off but was caught red-handed...i blamed it on the too few people in the class and thus, i was not able to hide or camouflage myself behind someone else. Of cos, being somewhat in the line of fire also had something to do with it, i guess...Bahhh!!
Shoulder track was cool..."War Machine"...which other BP instructors also favour. Using dumbells is much easier than using the barbell, especially when i have no more strength to do my upper head raises. Yah hooo, finally my selected track was on for's "Left Outside Alone" by Anastacia...Last but not least, cooldown was from the latest release, a duet by Eros something & Anastacia. Ooooohhh, I love this track!! Hmmm, maybe should try downloading the song afterwards...After class, i saw CL in the next studio and kacau him from outside...CL was shoo-ing me with sign language and some of the members were somewhat perturbed! Heheheehe..Then, me and LM chatted with cikgu for awhile. I asked him whether he did some errors in one of the tracks cos he burst out laughing suddenly during a seemingly long pause (which was weird and kinda out of sync with the track chory) so i gave him a questioning glance...but he was adamant that he didn't wor. Hmmm...oh well, doesn't matter lar. He just complained that he was tired and so had to take lighter weights than normal...which i reckon was pretty obvious
On the way home, it was still drizzling...bother, bother, bother...was in 2 minds whether to goto the pasar malam and even passed by but decided since it was raining and had just finshed bathing, went home straightaway....
Cos of the heavy downpour, the usually packed class dwindled to less than 20 people. Hmmm, that was a blessing as i am claustrauphobic! When we reached the gym, we quickly rushed in to change and register ourselves. I was dying to go to the loo but there was a queue as one of the stall was out of order. Anyway, i told LM that we better go arrange our equipment first then get back to the loo. Fortunately, LM's sis got us the step board and mat already and i moved my stuff to my fave spot. I was very frazzled as LM had took mismatched dumbells for me so i was running back and forth the class trying to grab my equipment and set-up as quickly as possible.
After setting-up, I couldn't withstand it any longer and rushed to the loo to answer nature's call then went back to resume the class! My calf was still hurting from yesterday's hike so i wasn't do my squats properly and i tried putting on lighter weights instead. Can't remember what was the squat track but it had a lot of bottoms down! Oh man...the chest track was killing too. He played "Phantom of the Opera" which had lots of singles! Ugggghhh...definitely not one of my faves as what LM had thought. Clean and press was "Olympia" which i kinda like. Was a bit puzzled though as cikgu didn't really fancy that track when we suggested it previously. Anyhow, he was singing happily to the song! Hmmm...contradicting, contradicting...
Triceps track was LM's selected "California". I love the song but not really into the triceps dips. What the heck, this track only have 16 dips as i heard the next release will have 28 dips!!! Oh man! eyes thinking right now perhaps i should go to tomorrow's BPH class to see whether i'm lucky enough to get a sneak preview! Ok, ok, must sleep early tonight! Provided i finish the work that i brought home to do afterwards?...uh-oh...
He did "Pump It" for biceps. Omigawd! I feel like killing him oredi! My biceps hurts like hell and at certain juncture where i thought he wasn't looking, i just hold onto my barbell without doing any biceps curl! kakakakaka....that's the advantage of being a member and not an instructor. Heehehehe...Lunges was dunno what track but started off with calf raises. Gees, as if my calf is not hurting enough oredi! As usual i tried to slack off but was caught red-handed...i blamed it on the too few people in the class and thus, i was not able to hide or camouflage myself behind someone else. Of cos, being somewhat in the line of fire also had something to do with it, i guess...Bahhh!!
Shoulder track was cool..."War Machine"...which other BP instructors also favour. Using dumbells is much easier than using the barbell, especially when i have no more strength to do my upper head raises. Yah hooo, finally my selected track was on for's "Left Outside Alone" by Anastacia...Last but not least, cooldown was from the latest release, a duet by Eros something & Anastacia. Ooooohhh, I love this track!! Hmmm, maybe should try downloading the song afterwards...After class, i saw CL in the next studio and kacau him from outside...CL was shoo-ing me with sign language and some of the members were somewhat perturbed! Heheheehe..Then, me and LM chatted with cikgu for awhile. I asked him whether he did some errors in one of the tracks cos he burst out laughing suddenly during a seemingly long pause (which was weird and kinda out of sync with the track chory) so i gave him a questioning glance...but he was adamant that he didn't wor. Hmmm...oh well, doesn't matter lar. He just complained that he was tired and so had to take lighter weights than normal...which i reckon was pretty obvious
On the way home, it was still drizzling...bother, bother, bother...was in 2 minds whether to goto the pasar malam and even passed by but decided since it was raining and had just finshed bathing, went home straightaway....
Monday, November 13, 2006
Whimsical drive
After class, went to shower and left, Superman was watching the class from the outside...hmmm, didn't know he was interested in freestyle steps too?? Oh well, i was too tired to think about the whys and wat-nots. I decided on a whim to go down to KL and proceeded to do that after i dropped off my stuff back at home. Along the way, it started pouring!!! Man, does it have to rain like everyday? Huh...such a bummer...i hate rainy days! Makes me feel so depressed...
Anyway, i got down to BB Plaza and did a spot of window shopping. It just seemed like ages since i came down to KL since i changed jobs. There was a fashion show ongoing at Sungei Wang Plaza concourse when i passed by so a lot of people were gathered around. After about an hour of loitering, my feet was killing me and i had a blister from the morning hike and i was also feeling very sleepy. So off i went and sped quickly back home yawning all the way!!! yeah, yeah, yeah...i know it's dangerous and wished i hadn't beeen so whimsical. I practically dropped dead on the bed for 2 hours catching on some zzzzz when i reached home...though initially had only wanted to take just a short half hour nap...and do some work when i get who i am kidding??
After i got up, i went to the pasar malam to jalan-jalan and came back to finish the TVB dvds that i bought...and that's the end of my Sunday! Drat...working tommorow again...
Anyway, i got down to BB Plaza and did a spot of window shopping. It just seemed like ages since i came down to KL since i changed jobs. There was a fashion show ongoing at Sungei Wang Plaza concourse when i passed by so a lot of people were gathered around. After about an hour of loitering, my feet was killing me and i had a blister from the morning hike and i was also feeling very sleepy. So off i went and sped quickly back home yawning all the way!!! yeah, yeah, yeah...i know it's dangerous and wished i hadn't beeen so whimsical. I practically dropped dead on the bed for 2 hours catching on some zzzzz when i reached home...though initially had only wanted to take just a short half hour nap...and do some work when i get who i am kidding??
After i got up, i went to the pasar malam to jalan-jalan and came back to finish the TVB dvds that i bought...and that's the end of my Sunday! Drat...working tommorow again...
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Steep Learning Curve
Woke up real early this morning as I had promised to go hiking with a couple of frens at the nearby neighbourhood hill. Used to go there quite frequent in the past, almost every weekend but after I had some knee problems, it’s been awhile since I last went. It’s great to exercise outdoors as you get to breathe in the fresh air and admire the greenery in the surroundings. Sometimes, we can see some monkeys swinging by the trees or walking past on the pathways. Some gung-ho mountain-bikers and their groupies zoomed past us along the way. Today didn’t see the horse riders from the nearby equestrian club taking their horses out for a jog though.
After my morning hike, I went to the gym as usual for my freestyle steps class. As I was meeting my frens for my morning brekkie before the class, I quickly rushed to the studio to book a spot. Whoa! There was some step boards already in placed! So, I’m not that kiasu after all...hehehe…took some butter kaya toast as was hungry. Didn’t fancy taking in too much food otherwise will get cramps during class which I’ve experienced in the past. While going on the way to the studio, saw Superman at the juice bar...Hmmm, wonder what's he doing here? I thought he didn't have any classes today? Oh well, couldn't be bothered lar. The instructor was late as usual. Everyone just loitered around and chatted while we waited for him to come. Big Cow (BCow) came in and told everyone to turn the board vertical instead of the usual horizontal and informed us that today’s class will be ‘different’ and more ‘advanced’...uh-oh…gees, thank god this wasn’t my first class! Otherwise I’ll just freaked out and leave after 15 min again. Hmmm...there was only 1 beginner in the class today...poor thing! Wonder whether she’ll come back again next week? *evil laugh* BCow apologized for being late (like what’s new?) and told us that he had to rush from his place in Sri Petaling…hmmm, but I reckon he knows he has a class at the same time every week, no?

During the class heard some ‘board toppling over’ sound and the lady right in front of BCow fell onto the floor!! Omigawd! Scared the hell out of me man! BCow oso ‘jumped’ and asked whether the lady was alrite? She was so embarrassed cos she was standing right in front mah so everybody could see her lor. *Shudder* *Shudder* Oh boy, must be careful, must be careful…step fully on the board, step fully on the board…I kept reminding myself! Today, the learning curve has somewhat notched up! Chory was more complicated too and the girl in front of me was kinda lost so I had to focus on my own rhythm and tried hard not to look at her, which made me lose focus whenever I did that….the guy behind me was also lost in the middle hehehehe….and at one point I think half the class just stood there lost and looked at BCow helplessly...muahahaaha...until he showed us the steps again!
Wow…it was really fantastic!! I’m beginning to really like freestyle steps now even though it’s so confusing and complicated at times but there’s a real satisfaction at the end of the day and the best thing is every class is so different unlike the LM programs!!! I guess this suit my fickle personality very well too…hahahaha…No wonder, LM and cikgu are so ‘passionate’ about it and kept ‘promoting’ freestyle steps to me ler…now only I understand why...LOL
After my morning hike, I went to the gym as usual for my freestyle steps class. As I was meeting my frens for my morning brekkie before the class, I quickly rushed to the studio to book a spot. Whoa! There was some step boards already in placed! So, I’m not that kiasu after all...hehehe…took some butter kaya toast as was hungry. Didn’t fancy taking in too much food otherwise will get cramps during class which I’ve experienced in the past. While going on the way to the studio, saw Superman at the juice bar...Hmmm, wonder what's he doing here? I thought he didn't have any classes today? Oh well, couldn't be bothered lar. The instructor was late as usual. Everyone just loitered around and chatted while we waited for him to come. Big Cow (BCow) came in and told everyone to turn the board vertical instead of the usual horizontal and informed us that today’s class will be ‘different’ and more ‘advanced’...uh-oh…gees, thank god this wasn’t my first class! Otherwise I’ll just freaked out and leave after 15 min again. Hmmm...there was only 1 beginner in the class today...poor thing! Wonder whether she’ll come back again next week? *evil laugh* BCow apologized for being late (like what’s new?) and told us that he had to rush from his place in Sri Petaling…hmmm, but I reckon he knows he has a class at the same time every week, no?
During the class heard some ‘board toppling over’ sound and the lady right in front of BCow fell onto the floor!! Omigawd! Scared the hell out of me man! BCow oso ‘jumped’ and asked whether the lady was alrite? She was so embarrassed cos she was standing right in front mah so everybody could see her lor. *Shudder* *Shudder* Oh boy, must be careful, must be careful…step fully on the board, step fully on the board…I kept reminding myself! Today, the learning curve has somewhat notched up! Chory was more complicated too and the girl in front of me was kinda lost so I had to focus on my own rhythm and tried hard not to look at her, which made me lose focus whenever I did that….the guy behind me was also lost in the middle hehehehe….and at one point I think half the class just stood there lost and looked at BCow helplessly...muahahaaha...until he showed us the steps again!
Wow…it was really fantastic!! I’m beginning to really like freestyle steps now even though it’s so confusing and complicated at times but there’s a real satisfaction at the end of the day and the best thing is every class is so different unlike the LM programs!!! I guess this suit my fickle personality very well too…hahahaha…No wonder, LM and cikgu are so ‘passionate’ about it and kept ‘promoting’ freestyle steps to me ler…now only I understand why...LOL
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Gotta Pump It Up!
I woke up this morning feeling pins and needles everywhere. Drat...just a little too ambitious maybe, having done pilates and BP the day before...ugggghhh, my abs hurts like hell!! And my triceps...gawd, I can’t even straightened my arms without’s all LM’s fault!!! If she didn’t made me pile on the weights during BP, I’ll still be functioning like normal...hehehe...
Gees, it's been a long while since i've gone for pilates! Gotta blame it on not being able to wake up every time! kakakaka...if LM didn't 'keep watch' i might have been tempted to go back to sleep again. Shhhh...hehehe...well, what can i say Professional Pilates Instructor (PPI) is well a real 'pro'...from the start go, we were just working our abs, thighs, arms, legs and wat-nots till the end! And there were no options...uggghhhh! Stretch longer, Hold the core, Let your abs do the work! she rattled on...Oh boy, this is seriously too early to be tortured like this....eyes rolling..i should have just listened to my head and went back to sleep instead!
Kylie did almost the same tracks yesterday as last week, give or take a few track changes. Let’s see whether I can remember them:
1) Surrender
2) Celebration
3) Summer Rain (hurrah! my fave)
4) Here I am
5) Jump
6) Humping Around
7) Lola's Theme (i think)
8) U can't touch this (i think)
9) No idea...hehehe
10) Cruisin
Yesterday’s crowd was rather subdued compared to last week so Kylie was kinda puzzled and kept checking with the crowd whether everyone was doing ok? I was half expecting to preview some new tracks but unfortunately, she did mostly the older releases. LM got me excited cos she had some previews in a BP class that BPH did earlier of the week and she was just raving about the new triceps track, which has like 28 dips!!! Uggghhhh...dips are definitely not my fave. I reckon i can’t seem to do it properly unless i do it on a chair.

Yesterday was surprised that GRO (Gym Resident Odium) turned up cos she usually just come to do her CD even when BPH was teaching that slot. Was wondering like when did she started picking up BP again? Oh well, not like i bother. She's after all the reason why we established a Support Group (SG) in the first place and SGP voluntarily self-proclaim himself to be the President when he heard about the SG. He was ecstatic and even invented a little dance like what those 'Red Indians' seemed to do at their campfires? Our SG seemed to be expanding every now and then and god knows how many members we have now...Drat! everyone is just so scared of GRO...i heard the latest victim is another instructor! Huh...Why am I not surprised?
It was lucky that LM did BS before BP and so managed to grab good spots for us. Cos as usual the members didn't queue and just tried to barge in to book a good place for themselves. The front desk people even wanted to tick the names as registered...phew, luckily i registered this time round!! But as everyone was impatient to go in, the girl just relented in the end. Cikgu and his kawan took the back slots. I was laughing at him cos he's so darn tall...if he stood in front, he would have blocked everyone else's view!! I went to grab the clips first cos last week there were no more clips and so those who had all the equipment ready couldn't do the class without the clips. But LM already got most of the stuff for me so i just passed the excess to cikgu lar...shaking head in disbelief...really dunno what he's doing lar...just stand there only like the king waiting to be served? hmmm...Anyway, we got set-up real quick and i just sat there and looked at GRO haphazardly trying to grab all the pump equipment before class starts...
Today, when i pile on the extra weights, i could actually feel the 'burn' and my legs were shaking like jellies during the squat track!! I was sweating buckets man! Oh boy, she's really hardcore! One guy in front did his squats wrongly and Kylie kept telling him to shift his legs in to do it correctly. At times, she alternate between front and side profile to show the correct techniques. This is called a 'real pro'...i was ecstatic to learn that this will be her permanent class in future!!! Yeahhhh...i will go for more BP classes...hopefully...*chuckle*
Gees, it's been a long while since i've gone for pilates! Gotta blame it on not being able to wake up every time! kakakaka...if LM didn't 'keep watch' i might have been tempted to go back to sleep again. Shhhh...hehehe...well, what can i say Professional Pilates Instructor (PPI) is well a real 'pro'...from the start go, we were just working our abs, thighs, arms, legs and wat-nots till the end! And there were no options...uggghhhh! Stretch longer, Hold the core, Let your abs do the work! she rattled on...Oh boy, this is seriously too early to be tortured like this....eyes rolling..i should have just listened to my head and went back to sleep instead!
Kylie did almost the same tracks yesterday as last week, give or take a few track changes. Let’s see whether I can remember them:
1) Surrender
2) Celebration
3) Summer Rain (hurrah! my fave)
4) Here I am
5) Jump
6) Humping Around
7) Lola's Theme (i think)
8) U can't touch this (i think)
9) No idea...hehehe
10) Cruisin
Yesterday’s crowd was rather subdued compared to last week so Kylie was kinda puzzled and kept checking with the crowd whether everyone was doing ok? I was half expecting to preview some new tracks but unfortunately, she did mostly the older releases. LM got me excited cos she had some previews in a BP class that BPH did earlier of the week and she was just raving about the new triceps track, which has like 28 dips!!! Uggghhhh...dips are definitely not my fave. I reckon i can’t seem to do it properly unless i do it on a chair.
Yesterday was surprised that GRO (Gym Resident Odium) turned up cos she usually just come to do her CD even when BPH was teaching that slot. Was wondering like when did she started picking up BP again? Oh well, not like i bother. She's after all the reason why we established a Support Group (SG) in the first place and SGP voluntarily self-proclaim himself to be the President when he heard about the SG. He was ecstatic and even invented a little dance like what those 'Red Indians' seemed to do at their campfires? Our SG seemed to be expanding every now and then and god knows how many members we have now...Drat! everyone is just so scared of GRO...i heard the latest victim is another instructor! Huh...Why am I not surprised?
It was lucky that LM did BS before BP and so managed to grab good spots for us. Cos as usual the members didn't queue and just tried to barge in to book a good place for themselves. The front desk people even wanted to tick the names as registered...phew, luckily i registered this time round!! But as everyone was impatient to go in, the girl just relented in the end. Cikgu and his kawan took the back slots. I was laughing at him cos he's so darn tall...if he stood in front, he would have blocked everyone else's view!! I went to grab the clips first cos last week there were no more clips and so those who had all the equipment ready couldn't do the class without the clips. But LM already got most of the stuff for me so i just passed the excess to cikgu lar...shaking head in disbelief...really dunno what he's doing lar...just stand there only like the king waiting to be served? hmmm...Anyway, we got set-up real quick and i just sat there and looked at GRO haphazardly trying to grab all the pump equipment before class starts...
Today, when i pile on the extra weights, i could actually feel the 'burn' and my legs were shaking like jellies during the squat track!! I was sweating buckets man! Oh boy, she's really hardcore! One guy in front did his squats wrongly and Kylie kept telling him to shift his legs in to do it correctly. At times, she alternate between front and side profile to show the correct techniques. This is called a 'real pro'...i was ecstatic to learn that this will be her permanent class in future!!! Yeahhhh...i will go for more BP classes...hopefully...*chuckle*
Keep On Stepping!
Yesterday I went for steps just seemed like I’m doing steps every other day...drat! If I had known cikgu was gonna do back the same tracks, I may think twice about going. Anyhow, I suggested a few tracks for him to change earlier but he as usual very hiau, ‘ah jie ah jor’ gave a lot of excuses so in the end, he was there early to cakap kosong again...though didn’t see him parked at his ‘usual spot’ when I reached the gym yesterday! Hahahaha...probably was afraid that I’ll ketuk him again! The only tracks which i like on that night was Toxic and I just Wanna Be Happy. The rest of the tracks i don't really fancy so was feeling a bit uggghhh having to endure the entire class!! Anyway, after last week’s ‘unfortunate incident’, the number of people to the gym seemed to have dwindled. Well, good for me cos I feel very claustrophobic when there are too many people surrounding me. Like last week, there were like more than 50 people and we were putting our boards so close to each other not to mention have to be so 'kiasu' to grab the board and booked a good spot!! Gees..luckily the people around me are regulars otherwise we would have bumped into each other liao.

The guy in front of me yesterday was a step regular (who also went for the tues class)...didn't know he was also a Jammer-Wannabe (JW). Almost from the start, he was very SS and gyrating at every given opportunity which was rather comical seen from the backview!! So, I was trying very hard to control my laughter throughout the entire class and I was practically focusing on him that i sometimes missed my step!! People must be thinking that I was fascinated with him!! Can't help it...i get distracted easily, which is why i can't stand next to the door otherwise i'll just be looking out there all the time or i tend to stare at the person in front of me!! At one point however, when we turned to do the side knee lifts, i suddenly caught a glimpse of how short the guy right in front was wearing and I just let out a snort and tried unsuccessfully to supress a chuckle! My gawd, my eyes nearly popped! Gosh…I think it’s just long enough to cover his butt! This is seriously the shortest pants I’ve ever seen a guy wearing. Hmmm...plan to tell cikgu after class since it’s his fren. *chuckle* Today cikgu’s supporters turned out in full force to support him, BG, BM and UFO came..ohhh..but MIL didn’t come of cos...she usually just goes to his tues class. Whats-her-face (WHF) also came and stood in front on her usual spot which coincidentally was in front of JW. She seemed to have stopped BC as well or perhaps i'm not going that frequently so i don't see her around much though i know she does BA as well. At least she has 'minimised' her glaring at me nowadays cos she knows i don't give a damn gwa and not likely to usurp her place anytime!
Last week, one of the newbie instructor was doing his clearance in cikgu’s class. He did 4 tracks straight...Track 6 till 9...which is rather taxing I would say since previously, the newbies are only required to do 2 tracks only. Anyway, I could hardly hear what he was saying and his cue-ing was quite off at certain times, luckily I knew the chory well so had no problems following. BS Head (BSH) and CGF were there to do the clearance. After the class was over, I could see some instructors gathered outside, including the ex-BSH. I learned afterwards that they were having a BJ practice with Tracy and Kylie for an upcoming demo. Likewise yesterday night, the same group of people had a practice session after our class. But this time round, there was another group of instructors gathered...the BB group…hahahaha...gosh, wondered what time they had to practice until?? Poor souls..
Hmmm, had my supper with LM then proceeded to go visit the 4 participants who entered the “Living in a Box” 7 days no bathing, deco your own room thingy by MIX-FM… Nothing much to see as everything was still a Work-In-Progress (WIP). The participants were having a 'meeting' with one of the DJs in their so-called living after going one round, we left..
The guy in front of me yesterday was a step regular (who also went for the tues class)...didn't know he was also a Jammer-Wannabe (JW). Almost from the start, he was very SS and gyrating at every given opportunity which was rather comical seen from the backview!! So, I was trying very hard to control my laughter throughout the entire class and I was practically focusing on him that i sometimes missed my step!! People must be thinking that I was fascinated with him!! Can't help it...i get distracted easily, which is why i can't stand next to the door otherwise i'll just be looking out there all the time or i tend to stare at the person in front of me!! At one point however, when we turned to do the side knee lifts, i suddenly caught a glimpse of how short the guy right in front was wearing and I just let out a snort and tried unsuccessfully to supress a chuckle! My gawd, my eyes nearly popped! Gosh…I think it’s just long enough to cover his butt! This is seriously the shortest pants I’ve ever seen a guy wearing. Hmmm...plan to tell cikgu after class since it’s his fren. *chuckle* Today cikgu’s supporters turned out in full force to support him, BG, BM and UFO came..ohhh..but MIL didn’t come of cos...she usually just goes to his tues class. Whats-her-face (WHF) also came and stood in front on her usual spot which coincidentally was in front of JW. She seemed to have stopped BC as well or perhaps i'm not going that frequently so i don't see her around much though i know she does BA as well. At least she has 'minimised' her glaring at me nowadays cos she knows i don't give a damn gwa and not likely to usurp her place anytime!
Last week, one of the newbie instructor was doing his clearance in cikgu’s class. He did 4 tracks straight...Track 6 till 9...which is rather taxing I would say since previously, the newbies are only required to do 2 tracks only. Anyway, I could hardly hear what he was saying and his cue-ing was quite off at certain times, luckily I knew the chory well so had no problems following. BS Head (BSH) and CGF were there to do the clearance. After the class was over, I could see some instructors gathered outside, including the ex-BSH. I learned afterwards that they were having a BJ practice with Tracy and Kylie for an upcoming demo. Likewise yesterday night, the same group of people had a practice session after our class. But this time round, there was another group of instructors gathered...the BB group…hahahaha...gosh, wondered what time they had to practice until?? Poor souls..
Hmmm, had my supper with LM then proceeded to go visit the 4 participants who entered the “Living in a Box” 7 days no bathing, deco your own room thingy by MIX-FM… Nothing much to see as everything was still a Work-In-Progress (WIP). The participants were having a 'meeting' with one of the DJs in their so-called living after going one round, we left..
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