Woo-hooo…went to catch the preview of the new James Bond movie on Wed…Cheeky Chick (CC) had a few free movie tix so I and another fren went after work lor. Initially when I knew Daniel Craig (DC) was gonna be James Bond, I wasn’t enthusiastic about watching the movie as he urm, doesn’t look like the ‘archetypical’ Bond, if you know what I mean…anyways, I changed my mind after my bro showed me the movie trailer and it looks quite good…and well, he uhhh got quite a nice body too….hahahahaha…As the movie was a preview, there were some
securities involved eg. we were not able to bring our mobiles into the cinema as they are afraid that we might ‘filmed’ the entire movie and duplicate it into pirated vcds and dvds to distribute to society….(yeah, rite…like what’s the capacity of a camera phone lar??? Can filmed the entire film meh? Duhhh..tat’s like unless u have a camcorder lar) Anyways, we were ‘scanned’ by metal detector as well just in case we didn’t feel like surrendering our mobiles to them…of cos, we were smart enough to dump it in the car…I mean who’s gonna guarantee that any ah chu, ah kau won’t take our hp wor?? Hmmm, don’t trust lar this kind of thing…plus, my whole phone book is in there so if I lose it, I’ll not be able to contact anybody liao since I only remember my own hp no….kekekeke
There was a trailer on “Dukun” which was a local movie about the Mona Fendi case…looks very gory and violent...anyways, I kept my eyes averted cos I can’t watch horror movies without getting nightmares!!! Right, then the movie started. Hmm, DC still don’t look good though he has the bluest eyes! He looks haggard and crinkly but beefy-licious…LOL. Okie, overall, the movie is pretty violent but it definitely has a better storyline than the rest of the Bond movies (I watched most of them…hehehehe) and the lead actress has a meatier role than the usual bimbo character. She’s an accountant with brains…*ahem* *ahem*…whom Bond fell in love with so the movie is kinda romantic and funny at times as both of them exchanged witty repartees initially before falling in love. Ummm, the sceneries are breathtaking as well as it was filmed in Venice, Switzerland and Prague…ahhhh, sooooo beautiful!!! Daydreaming….How I wish I could go there now….
This movie, which is the first Bond novel that Ian Flemming wrote tells how James Bond got his ‘00’ Licence to Kill and how he became more refined as the movie progress. The actions are really spectacular and the opening chase scene had us clutching to our seats cos very ‘kan cheong’!! DC seemed to have done most of his own stunts as there were close-up shots of him performing them…of cos, there was a very ‘painful’ torture scene which I think most guys will go “Ouch” when they see it…hahahaha… surprisingly, this movie doesn’t have very high-tech gadgets like the previous ones though the Aston Martins are real cool…ok, spoilers ahead…
The ending was really sad as the girl died even though Bond tried to save her….i reckon that’s why Bond became a womanizer and doesn’t really trust anyone anymore cos the love of his life actually betrayed him! Well, I believe she does love him to a certain degree even though she has a boyfriend who was kidnapped by the terrorist in exchange for the monies that Bond entrusted her with…ahwell…maybe I’ll go get the book to read..it should be better than the movie gwa….hmmm
There was a trailer on “Dukun” which was a local movie about the Mona Fendi case…looks very gory and violent...anyways, I kept my eyes averted cos I can’t watch horror movies without getting nightmares!!! Right, then the movie started. Hmm, DC still don’t look good though he has the bluest eyes! He looks haggard and crinkly but beefy-licious…LOL. Okie, overall, the movie is pretty violent but it definitely has a better storyline than the rest of the Bond movies (I watched most of them…hehehehe) and the lead actress has a meatier role than the usual bimbo character. She’s an accountant with brains…*ahem* *ahem*…whom Bond fell in love with so the movie is kinda romantic and funny at times as both of them exchanged witty repartees initially before falling in love. Ummm, the sceneries are breathtaking as well as it was filmed in Venice, Switzerland and Prague…ahhhh, sooooo beautiful!!! Daydreaming….How I wish I could go there now….
This movie, which is the first Bond novel that Ian Flemming wrote tells how James Bond got his ‘00’ Licence to Kill and how he became more refined as the movie progress. The actions are really spectacular and the opening chase scene had us clutching to our seats cos very ‘kan cheong’!! DC seemed to have done most of his own stunts as there were close-up shots of him performing them…of cos, there was a very ‘painful’ torture scene which I think most guys will go “Ouch” when they see it…hahahaha… surprisingly, this movie doesn’t have very high-tech gadgets like the previous ones though the Aston Martins are real cool…ok, spoilers ahead…
The ending was really sad as the girl died even though Bond tried to save her….i reckon that’s why Bond became a womanizer and doesn’t really trust anyone anymore cos the love of his life actually betrayed him! Well, I believe she does love him to a certain degree even though she has a boyfriend who was kidnapped by the terrorist in exchange for the monies that Bond entrusted her with…ahwell…maybe I’ll go get the book to read..it should be better than the movie gwa….hmmm
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