As I have been swamped with work lately, I haven’t been going to that many classes. On tues, I managed to sneak off early, got home, ate, slept and then only went for cikgu’s class….hehehehe…While going to the changing room, bumped into cikgu along the corridor who saw me and tried to hide from me as he knew I was gonna smacked him for something that he
did. *evil grin* bah, he’s lucky that I’m such a forgiving person… hmmmmphhhh…I got into the studio and saw that everyone had oredi lined their boards nicely. So, I just squeezed in between 2 seemingly bigger gaps and chuck my board in while pushing the board behind me just a wee bit…uhh, okie, a lot more further from me…*snigger* well, the owner wasn’t around mah, nevermind lar, he wouldn’t notice at all…of cos, I forced LM to accompany me into the class as well…hehehehe…cos I dun have anyone to chat with me before the class starts mah…
BM and MIL stood at the back and were busily chatting away…hmmm, after I discovered BM
knew I called him BM, I reckon he tried to stay far far away from me liao…anyways, I’m just too embarrassed to face him also lar. This time round, I was crossing my fingers that there was no JW in front of me so when the guy in front started his steps, I nearly choked!! Omigawd, he’s not a JW but a Butt Wiggler (BW)…ROTFL…step up, wiggle, wiggle…knee lift, wiggle, wiggle…basic, wiggle, wiggle….muahahahaha…it was seriously hard trying not to laugh out loud and stare at his butt and his barely there butt-length shorts!!! *choke* *choke*
Gosh, why is it that I am always standing next to some weirdos?? I think I was staring real hard at his butt cos at one point he just clutched his butt in an attempt to stop it from wiggling so much….and he turned back several times to glance if somebody’s watching (u know kinda like the feeling that somebody’s watching u from behind?)…the guy standing diagonally from us must be wondering why I was focusing on the guy’s butt all the time and he also turned to look at BW!! Kakakaka…oh man, this is so hilarious! Half the time, I wasn’t listening to what cikgu was saying lar so I got most of my chory wrong liao…hehehehe…though at one point I caught the words which went like “If u do this blah blah blah, u’ll have nice legs like mine!” Ugggghhhh, now i think he’s definitely obsessed with his legs….I looked at him and rolled my eyes in disbelief….uhhhh-ohhh…not this line again?…he laughed sheepishly…
We did “Let’s Get Loud” for the party track which had that sashay thingy…was thinking hmmm, is this fella doing this on purpose or what? I just complained to him that I dunno how to do the sashay thingy in my freestyle class oredi and now he’s torturing me with this??…bahhhh…Idiot! My only consolation that night was my fave track, One Night in Bangkok….ahhhh, it’s definitely been awhile though I got my legs all twisted up doing the wrong steps…hmmm, come to think of it, he hasn’t done Voodoo Child for some time now…must remember to ask him to do it the next round liao…hehehe
BM and MIL stood at the back and were busily chatting away…hmmm, after I discovered BM
Gosh, why is it that I am always standing next to some weirdos?? I think I was staring real hard at his butt cos at one point he just clutched his butt in an attempt to stop it from wiggling so much….and he turned back several times to glance if somebody’s watching (u know kinda like the feeling that somebody’s watching u from behind?)…the guy standing diagonally from us must be wondering why I was focusing on the guy’s butt all the time and he also turned to look at BW!! Kakakaka…oh man, this is so hilarious! Half the time, I wasn’t listening to what cikgu was saying lar so I got most of my chory wrong liao…hehehehe…though at one point I caught the words which went like “If u do this blah blah blah, u’ll have nice legs like mine!” Ugggghhhh, now i think he’s definitely obsessed with his legs….I looked at him and rolled my eyes in disbelief….uhhhh-ohhh…not this line again?…he laughed sheepishly…
We did “Let’s Get Loud” for the party track which had that sashay thingy…was thinking hmmm, is this fella doing this on purpose or what? I just complained to him that I dunno how to do the sashay thingy in my freestyle class oredi and now he’s torturing me with this??…bahhhh…Idiot! My only consolation that night was my fave track, One Night in Bangkok….ahhhh, it’s definitely been awhile though I got my legs all twisted up doing the wrong steps…hmmm, come to think of it, he hasn’t done Voodoo Child for some time now…must remember to ask him to do it the next round liao…hehehe
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