Anyways, since my dad was hogging the tv, i couldn't watch my dvd and waited till yesterday to watch "Super-Size Me" after i got home from gym. I was supposed to do BP but as i was late (again) and chatted with LM, i hit the stepper instead and did some cardio workout...not that i fancy but better than just bathe and go back rite? I wasn't feeling that great as i got some 'disturbing news' that day so it wasn't really a TGIF kind of thingy...
Right, back to the documentary. It was filmed in 2004 and followed the legal case of 2 girls who sued McDonalds for making them obese. The director who also wrote the film,

put himself through a 30 day McDonald's diet, 3 meals a day, where everything has to be ordered from the menu, even the water! At the end of it, he put on like 25 pounds (which took him more than 9 mths to take off!!!) and his body fat and cholestrol level went sky-high!!! He had to take the super-size option (which was way larger than our local large size..*shock* *shock*) when offered which he ate and puke at one of the meals! It was utterly gross as they showed the puke too. I wonder how many of the Americans can actually stomach such monstrous proportions?? hmmm....would have taken me 2 to 3 meals i think....ironically as i was typing this, there's a McDonalds just right opposite from me.....hahaha....oh, just to share an interesting trivia....apparently, their salads, which by the way is not served here, contained more fat than Big Mac!!! Just wonder what kind of 'healthy' eating they are serving?? Hmmm, anyways, i haven't had McDs for awhile now. I remember previously i practically took McDs almost every week while i was collecting the Pooh soft toys!! yeah, yeah, yeah...that was some donkey years ago when i was still young mah...hehehe....well, i still have them and i'm proud to say that they are still in absolute 'mint' condition....muahahahaha
Recently, there was an article in the local dailies on the increasing obesity in the Asian regions with M'sia topping the list!!! And i quote here
"Malaysia has the most number of fat people in the Asean region. In fact, the number of fat people here exceeds that in many developed countries, including Germany and France." Question is how did we get so fat? Was it due to the lack of exercise or are we eating way too much fast food due to the easy availability and fast-pace and unhealthy lifestyle that we are leading??? Hmmm....something to ponder on...
As for the legal case, McDonalds won and there was a Cheeseburger bill that was passed which ban lawsuits against the food industry that makes the people fat!!
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