Gees, it's been a long while since i've gone for pilates! Gotta blame it on not being able to wake up every time! kakakaka...if LM didn't 'keep watch' i might have been tempted to go back to sleep again. Shhhh...hehehe...well, what can i say Professional Pilates Instructor (PPI) is well a real 'pro'...from the start go, we were just working our abs, thighs, arms, legs and wat-nots till the end! And there were no options...uggghhhh! Stretch longer, Hold the core, Let your abs do the work! she rattled on...Oh boy, this is seriously too early to be tortured like this....eyes rolling..i should have just listened to my head and went back to sleep instead!
Kylie did almost the same tracks yesterday as last week, give or take a few track changes. Let’s see whether I can remember them:
1) Surrender
2) Celebration
3) Summer Rain (hurrah! my fave)
4) Here I am
5) Jump
6) Humping Around
7) Lola's Theme (i think)
8) U can't touch this (i think)
9) No idea...hehehe
10) Cruisin
Yesterday’s crowd was rather subdued compared to last week so Kylie was kinda puzzled and kept checking with the crowd whether everyone was doing ok? I was half expecting to preview some new tracks but unfortunately, she did mostly the older releases. LM got me excited cos she had some previews in a BP class that BPH did earlier of the week and she was just raving about the new triceps track, which has like 28 dips!!! Uggghhhh...dips are definitely not my fave. I reckon i can’t seem to do it properly unless i do it on a chair.
Yesterday was surprised that GRO (Gym Resident Odium) turned up cos she usually just come to do her CD even when BPH was teaching that slot. Was wondering like when did she started picking up BP again? Oh well, not like i bother. She's after all the reason why we established a Support Group (SG) in the first place and SGP voluntarily self-proclaim himself to be the President when he heard about the SG. He was ecstatic and even invented a little dance like what those 'Red Indians' seemed to do at their campfires? Our SG seemed to be expanding every now and then and god knows how many members we have now...Drat! everyone is just so scared of GRO...i heard the latest victim is another instructor! Huh...Why am I not surprised?
It was lucky that LM did BS before BP and so managed to grab good spots for us. Cos as usual the members didn't queue and just tried to barge in to book a good place for themselves. The front desk people even wanted to tick the names as registered...phew, luckily i registered this time round!! But as everyone was impatient to go in, the girl just relented in the end. Cikgu and his kawan took the back slots. I was laughing at him cos he's so darn tall...if he stood in front, he would have blocked everyone else's view!! I went to grab the clips first cos last week there were no more clips and so those who had all the equipment ready couldn't do the class without the clips. But LM already got most of the stuff for me so i just passed the excess to cikgu lar...shaking head in disbelief...really dunno what he's doing lar...just stand there only like the king waiting to be served? hmmm...Anyway, we got set-up real quick and i just sat there and looked at GRO haphazardly trying to grab all the pump equipment before class starts...
Today, when i pile on the extra weights, i could actually feel the 'burn' and my legs were shaking like jellies during the squat track!! I was sweating buckets man! Oh boy, she's really hardcore! One guy in front did his squats wrongly and Kylie kept telling him to shift his legs in to do it correctly. At times, she alternate between front and side profile to show the correct techniques. This is called a 'real pro'...i was ecstatic to learn that this will be her permanent class in future!!! Yeahhhh...i will go for more BP classes...hopefully...*chuckle*
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