Thursday, January 11, 2007


Since I had to stay away from gym for at least a good week or until I could stuff my foot into my trainers without yelping, I called for a celebration of some friends’ birthdays on the whim. It’s tiring setting a date as everybody’s busy with something somehow or rather so I reckon sometimes it’s best to be spontaneous. Initially, I planned to go to Food Foundry but after trying the food there the second time with my colleagues, I didn’t find it that delicious. Changed it to Momo Restaurant in Centrepoint where parking is a breeze. The Japanese fare there is so-so only in comparison to Benkay in Nikko Hotel or Sugimoto. The sets were value for money though, not sure about the buffet as they are only available during weekends. CC has eaten the buffet there and apparently the place needs to be reserved! On the other hand, Shogun is pretty packed on weekends too but I don’t find the food that good. Perhaps I mainly go for the sashimi so even though they have a variety of cooked stuff, it doesn’t attract me much.

We adjourned to Secret Recipe for our desserts as the waiters were waiting for us to leave in Momo. Workaholic and Shopaholic chose the carrot walnut and mango cakes. After tasting the superb carrot walnut cake from Suanson (Bangsar), the Secret Recipe ones seemed to have lost their appeal and their mango cake was a total letdown!! This franchise thingy is getting too commercialized and their cakes quality seemed to have drop. I text 30 laps to inform her that we had gone ahead with the birthday celebrations without accommodating her since she was the only one who couldn’t make it.

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