Anyway, ended up 3 of them went on stage to teach BA. Cyborg wanted to stay on the floor but CGF asked her to go up on stage to be shadow. She as usual lar do her high-impact BA. I really suspect whether she’s human at all?? I mean where does she get all her energy man?? I do half BA oredi feel like pengsan!!! And after yesterday night BP, my limbs were all aching oso!! I could hardly do any lunges!!! Felt so tortured!! My gawd! I dunno how LM can endure since she did yoga before that too!! Eyes rolling in disbelief! I scooted off during track 6 on the pretext of going to the loo then stayed outside to watch…hehehee…but joined in the next track lar since i like the song!! There was this angmoh lady who stood behind me and during the class; she unceremoniously told me that I was standing too close to her!! As I didn’t hear her too well above the loud music, I kept repeating Pardon? Pardon? So I guess that made her more angry gwa…anyway, heck care lar, she was the one who take such big steps wat and beside her was plenty of space, so don’t understand why she still wants to stick behind me for?? Not like I smell so nice oso?? Hmmm...We banged a few times and she seemed to glare at me so I used sign language to indicate LM to move a bit to the side to give me more space!! Kacau saja...Towards the end, the conditioning track seemed to have neverending push ups, triceps, triceps, chest, chest chest...oh boy, i can't feel my arms anymore!!! Gees, who invented this LM program anyway?? Trying to kill people ar??

After BA, stayed awhile for BJ…as usual danced like cartoon so stayed at the back in order not to memalukan own self. It was a special class as Kylie was TT with Tracy so I wanted to see how good Kylie was having gone for her BP class. We were not disappointed as she’s good!!! On the plus side, we were given ‘sneak previews’ of the upcoming release cos some of the tracks are the latest hits so it can’t be from the older releases ya…1 of the track was really “Bollywood” so we were practically dancing and moving about like those Hindi movie...
Kinda reminds me of the Bollywood Dance that I went during my trial session with True Fitness. It was such a hoot as the instructor was from India so he speaks limited English and there were only like 6 of us in the class!! I can’t for the life of me understand why the instructor wore a long sleeve sweater to teach a dance class and the air-cond wasn’t even turned on…well, errr, even if it is, must be minimal since I can’t feel it also!, I was laughing all the way while attempting to twist and turn and do the hand movements like the Bollywood stars...must have looked real farnee !! Kakakaka...
Anyway, back to BJ..halfway thru the class, my stomach started to growl so I told LM I want to go shower and eat. It was lucky that I managed to shower and was just blowing my hair when they announced over the PA that t all subsequent classes were cancelled! *Snigger* *Snigger* Felt kinda smug that luckily I had came for an earlier class! Cos I heard some people complaining that they just came and now have to go back liao!
As I was about to leave the changing room, I bumped into LM and told her that all classes were cancelled and then somebody told her sis that apparently somebody fainted downstairs while running on the treadmill. And then suddenly there was like a commotion everywhere...people were telling one another what is happening, even the cleaner was busy telling 'her story'...We heard that the body was still downstairs so we decided to go down and have a peek! When we went downstairs, a lot of people were gathered around but I can’t see where the body just went to the juice bar to get a drink instead. Someone said the body was moved to the RPM room so I walked past on the way out but could only see the back of the head which was facing the door! The body was covered with towels. Anyway, my fren was calling me on my mobile to chase me for my makan appointment so I just left lar. As I left the gym, I could hear the front desk closing the doors and telling the newly arrived members that the gym was closed for the day!!
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