Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Mad Mad Dash to Class

It was absolute madness yesterday! Rain started pouring after i left the office and was on my way to pick LM. See, we had planned on going for cikgu's BP class and we even had a hand in selecting some of the tracks. Of cos we gave him a list of the 10 tracks but he said that he'll only pick a few of our choices and others will be his own. Oh well, whatever....better than nothing i guess since we don't even have a say in the other BP classes that we go to right? The rain became heavier as we went and practically everywhere's traffic was bad!! I finally got onto the NKVE driving at snail speed as i could hardly see the road!! I was also cursing at the other drivers who were obstructing my path and kept telling LM that this is a wrong, wrong, wrong decision. Somehow, whenever we decide to go for his BP class, something is bound to go wrong. The last time we went, it was really jam (as usual) and as i was rushing for time, i was very 'kan cheong' so i missed the turning and head on straight to Shah Alam!! Then when i was on the right track, i missed a turning again and almost headed elsewhere!!! Drat! Luckily i had full tank! So, as usual, we were almost late for class! hmmmmphh...

Cos of the heavy downpour, the usually packed class dwindled to less than 20 people. Hmmm, that was a blessing as i am claustrauphobic! When we reached the gym, we quickly rushed in to change and register ourselves. I was dying to go to the loo but there was a queue as one of the stall was out of order. Anyway, i told LM that we better go arrange our equipment first then get back to the loo. Fortunately, LM's sis got us the step board and mat already and i moved my stuff to my fave spot. I was very frazzled as LM had took mismatched dumbells for me so i was running back and forth the class trying to grab my equipment and set-up as quickly as possible.
Cikgu of cos was amused as we looked like some hens who lost their heads!! Duhhh....he asked whether the class was ready but was actually throwing a questioning look at us! Bahhhh!!! Must keep cool and pretend that he wasn't talking about us...

After setting-up, I couldn't withstand it any longer and rushed to the loo to answer nature's call then went back to resume the class! My calf was still hurting from yesterday's hike so i wasn't do my squats properly and i tried putting on lighter weights instead. Can't remember what was the squat track but it had a lot of bottoms down! Oh man...the chest track was killing too. He played "Phantom of the Opera" which had lots of singles! Ugggghhh...definitely not one of my faves as what LM had thought. Clean and press was "Olympia" which i kinda like. Was a bit puzzled though as cikgu didn't really fancy that track when we suggested it previously. Anyhow, he was singing happily to the song! Hmmm...contradicting, contradicting...

Triceps track was LM's selected "California". I love the song but not really into the triceps dips. What the heck, this track only have 16 dips as i heard the next release will have 28 dips!!! Oh man! eyes rolling...am thinking right now perhaps i should go to tomorrow's BPH class to see whether i'm lucky enough to get a sneak preview! Ok, ok, must sleep early tonight! Provided i finish the work that i brought home to do afterwards?...uh-oh...

He did "Pump It" for biceps. Omigawd! I feel like killing him oredi! My biceps hurts like hell and at certain juncture where i thought he wasn't looking, i just hold onto my barbell without doing any biceps curl! kakakakaka....that's the advantage of being a member and not an instructor. Heehehehe...Lunges was dunno what track but started off with calf raises. Gees, as if my calf is not hurting enough oredi! As usual i tried to slack off but was caught red-handed...i blamed it on the too few people in the class and thus, i was not able to hide or camouflage myself behind someone else. Of cos, being somewhat in the line of fire also had something to do with it, i guess...Bahhh!!

Shoulder track was cool..."War Machine"...which other BP instructors also favour. Using dumbells is much easier than using the barbell, especially when i have no more strength to do my upper head raises. Yah hooo, finally my selected track was on for conditioning..it's "Left Outside Alone" by Anastacia...Last but not least, cooldown was from the latest release, a duet by Eros something & Anastacia. Ooooohhh, I love this track!! Hmmm, maybe should try downloading the song afterwards...After class, i saw CL in the next studio and kacau him from outside...CL was shoo-ing me with sign language and some of the members were somewhat perturbed! Heheheehe..Then, me and LM chatted with cikgu for awhile. I asked him whether he did some errors in one of the tracks cos he burst out laughing suddenly during a seemingly long pause (which was weird and kinda out of sync with the track chory) so i gave him a questioning glance...but he was adamant that he didn't wor. Hmmm...oh well, doesn't matter lar. He just complained that he was tired and so had to take lighter weights than normal...which i reckon was pretty obvious

On the way home, it was still drizzling...bother, bother, bother...was in 2 minds whether to goto the pasar malam and even passed by but decided since it was raining and had just finshed bathing, went home straightaway....


Mackie said...
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Mackie said...

wakakakaka..... late as usual, Thank God no mistake on the exit this time around huh? Sorry bout the dumbell though.... i'm "kan cheong ma" likt "some lost hen" d wakakakaka.....

Ultraviolet said...

wei, me driving at snail speed pun got mistake ar, then sei lor like tat...yalar, will be loooooong looooong time b4 i go there again lar...